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I'm getting worried about jay she been in pain but I know she was hiding it because she acts like nothing is wrong. she even goes to to work everyday but now she doesn't let us touch her or comfort her.

We were at her office and she didn't even paid attention to us. she been just doing her work and I been getting flattered at her because I get be a big baby when I don't get my attention everyday.

My wolf has been whining about it because they want attention and they are kinda annoying. because Leo keeps whining so until I have a headache everyday.

I stare at jay and I know I was kinda glaring at her but I didn't care and she stare at me and she said,

"What are you glaring at me for"

I didn't answer her and I kept glaring at her and she sigh and said,

"If you don't want anything then stop glaring at me"

She turned away from and back at her computer so I had enough and I walk to her side. Then I spin her chair around to me and I lift up her chin to look at me and said,

"We are going home and watch something and relax because you need it"

She glare at me and I smirk at her and said,

"If not then I guess I could punish you for not listening to me"

I saw that her eyes go wide and she said,

"Okay I will go with the first option"

I move away and she stood up and I saw how she organized her desk. she grab some flies and then she walks out of the office and I follow her.

While I was walking behind her I see how she was walking kinda weird and then I realized she was in more pain. So I walk beside her and I wrap her shoulder around my neck and next my neck arm I wrap it around her wait to put her weight on me and I said,

"Just keep walking"

Jay personal assistant walk to us and said,

"what's going on here"

I look at her and said with a smile on my face.

"She accidentally hurt her ankle so I'm taking her to my home to her to rest"

She move away and we both started walking to my car and I hear her groan and I said,

"Why is it still hurting you it's been days since you got slapped"

It's was silent until we got into my car then she said,

"That's because who slapped me needs to forgive me which will take a while and it will get worse"

I put her seatbelt on and I did the same for myself and I drove to my house where Tina was she was busy on a meeting at home.

We got there and jay was sleeping so I get out of the car and I walk to her side and I take her seatbelt off gently and I pick her up and I closed the door.

We got inside and Tina was in the living room with another person and they were talking and I look at her. Then a few seconds she stares at me because I think she felt someone staring. she smiles at me but then the smile faded when she saw jay on my arms.

I smile and she looked at me with a worried face and I whisper quietly.

"She is okay she just sleeping"

I saw how relieved she was when she heard and I walk to my room, I lay her down on the bed and I take her shoes off and I go to the bathroom and few minutes later I hear jay scream painfully.

I rash out of the bathroom and I go to jay and hold her and jay mom came in and she said,

"She has to drink you and tina blood to stop the spell"

I turn to her and I said,

"But she told me that the person who did this need to forgive her"

Jay mom shake her said and said,

"She lied to you because she doesn't want to hurt you guys"

I turn back to jay and I saw her fangs pop out and I put my arm next her lips and she bit my arm gently. she started drinking but then she stopped and let out another scream.

Then Tina ran here with her speed and put her arm near jay mouth and I saw jay bit down gently on Tina arm, she started drinking but then she passed out and Tina hold my arm and she lick the wound and it healed instantly and I look at her and I smile.

Then she kiss my cheek and walk away and I put jay on a comfortable position and I turn to jay mom and I said,

"Thanks ma'am for your help"

She smile at me and she speed away and I change jay clothes into pjs and I cover her with a blanket.

I changed Into pjs and I layes next to her and I lay down and I saw Tina came back to the room and smile at me. I saw she just taking her shoes and pants and then she walk closed to me and lay down in the middle and she said,

"I think we all need a nap so sleep well"

I nod and I smile then I cuddle her and I said,

"Sleep well beautiful"

I close my eyes and I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face.

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