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After we were all done eating we had to get ready but I was still turned on by what just happened few minutes ago.

Valentina turned to me and said,

"What are you waiting for get up and get ready for work"

I looked away and felt her a lot closer to me and she makes me look at her by grabbing my face gently.

So I look at her and she spoke,

"What wrong honey"

I glare at her and said,

"You can't just grab me by the neck and expect me not to get turned on by that"

She laughs at me and then she looks down at my pants and then she whisper in my ear.

"You know I can always help you that if that's the problem darling"

I push her away gently and I look at her and I said,

"Your not touching me anytime soon so go get ready and let me alone to calm down"

Valentina chuckles and walks away and I start to calm down.

thinking of things that turns me off and I look down at my pants and I see that it worked so I walk to Valentina room and I see her pinning Tina to the wall.

They both look at me and I smile and I said,

" pretend I'm not here because I'm going to steal some of your clothes"

Valentina turns to me and said,

"Without permission"

I felt the strong dominant aura around Valentina so I look at her and said,

"Sorry can I please borrow some of your clothes"

Valentina nods and she put all her attention back to Tina and I felt relieved when Valentina didn't put up a fight with me.

I walk to her closet and I black pants and a baggy shirt but fashion and a belt.

then I walk to Valentina bathroom and I lock the door and change into the outfit and I put my hair in a messy bun.

I walked out of the room and at this point Tina was on the bed and Valentina was on top of her so I look at the time and I know if I didn't stop this we were going to be late so I said,

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I walked out of the room and at this point Tina was on the bed and Valentina was on top of her so I look at the time and I know if I didn't stop this we were going to be late so I said,

"Finish this later we have to leave or we are going be late and we don't want that now do we"

Valentina gets off Tina and I could tell she was grumpy about it but then I walk to Valentina and I fix her outfit.

Then I walk next to the bed and I help Tina up because she was was still laying down and then I fix her outfit.

I saw marks on their necks and I smile and I look at both of them and said,

"Be careful with those marks on your necks if you want to asked questions by people"

I started walking to the door but I felt strong arms grab me from behind so I stopped and and I heard Valentina said,

"Thank you beautiful"

Then she let go of me and I turned around to see her and I kissed her cheek and said,

"Maybe you should check on your pack because I can tell you haven't been there for a while"

Valentina nods.

I know I was talking like an alpha giving orders but I don't mean to do that it just comes naturally.

Valentina look at me and said,

"Are you an alpha by any chance because you sound like one"

I smile and said,

"I am because of my wolf but I'm also a very dominant vampire so I'm sorry if I sound like I'm giving orders because I'm not"

Valentina smile and nods and I look at them kinda serious and I said,

"Just so you guys know sometimes I will not be available"

Tina said,


I turn to Tina and I smile and said,

"Don't worry about it"

I turn around and I left the room and I went outside and I felt my phone vibrate and I answer the phone and I said,

"Hello how can I help you"

My second in command said,

"Boss there's been a little bit of trouble with the members at the base they haven't been listening"

I spoke to the phone.

"Tell them the code to them I'm sure they will listen until I get there in 10 minutes"

I hang up and I walk to my car and drive away fast to the base.

When I get there I hop out of my car and I get inside the base and it was so loud until they saw me and I look at them and my eyes turn red and I screamed,

"Why haven't you guys been listening to my second on command!!"

They all bow to me and they were shaking so I said,


They all fall down to the floor and I look at my second in command and said,

"Why weren't they listening to you"

My second in command said,

"Because they said that I'm not strong enough to be ordering around"

I crutch down and I said,

"Next time you don't listen my best friend I will kill one of you but if my best friend betray me tell me"

They all nod and I look at my best friend and I laugh and said,

"I will kill you if you do betray me"

I grab a cup of blood and drinker it then I walk out of the base and I drove back to my company.

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