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When we got to my house we were both surprised to not see jay here when it's 1 in the morning because i took Tina for dinner after the water park.

We got ready for bed and Tina actually fallen asleep in my bed.

I was about to fall asleep but then i hear the front door open i started to freak out until I smelled jay scent.

I walk out of the room and i went behind jay carefully until I grab her arm and i felt her tense up.

She turns around and i see some bruises and cuts on her beautiful face and i touch her face and she hissed i look into her eyes and said,

"What happened!"

Jay covered my mouth because I was being to loud but then we hear my room door open and Tina comes to us fast.

Tina stares at jay and she gasps and then i hear her said,

" what happened to your beautiful face"

Jay sigh and i saw her roll her eyes and then i see jay sit down on the couch and she stares at us and said,

"Just a little fight nothing to worry about It will heal fast before work starts"

I see that jay rest her head back and i walk to her and lend down to her face.

I saw that she open her eyes and she stare right at me and i said,

"Darling please let me clean your wounds on your pretty face"

She nods and then she said,

"I'm tired sweetheart so do it fast"

I step back and i grab the kit and then i go back to to jay who has her eyes closed.

I get close to her and i wipe her cuts with rubbing alcohol and i hear her hissed at the pain.

I hear her said,

"I can just heal myself then to deal with this pain"

I said kinda harsh,

"Well you should have thought of that before you got into a fight!"

She open her eyes fast and take a deep breath and she look at me and said,

"Don't do that again without any warning"

I hear her heart beat up so fast and she put her hand on her chest and i kiss her forehead and said,

"you got scared when I raised my voice"

I saw that she hugs me and she hides her face on my chest and i massage her head and i said,

"I'm sorry love I didn't mean to raise my voice at you"

I hear small snores coming from jay and I chuckle and I pick her up and I feel that she wraps her legs around my waist.

I feel her breathing on my neck, I turn to Tina and she smiles at me and she said,

"Take her to your room love I will be behind you"

I nod and I walk upstairs and I walk to my room and I lays her down gently on the bed.

I laugh quietly when I see that she still has her legs wrapped around my waist.

Tina goes next to me and said,

"I will get some comfy clothes for her"

I see that she walks to my closet and pick the clothes that jay picked last time and I smile.

I turned back to jay and I unbuttoned her shirt gently not trying to wake her up.

I take her shirt off and Tina hands me the hoodie and I put it on her gently and jay finally let go of me.

Tina put the pants on the bed and she crutch down and I see that she was taking jay shoes off.

I turned my attention back to jay and I unbuckle her pants and I take her belt off and I unbuttoned her pants and I pull it down.

I put the sweatpants on her that Tina give me on jay without thinking anything wrong.

I took her rings off and necklace then Tina lays down on the bed and I safely put her rings and necklace on top of my drawer.

I cover both of them with a big blanket and then I lay down on the middle and they both cuddle with me and I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

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