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✨Some smut✨

I wake up and I know Val was next to me because she promised but when I felt around she was not there so I sat up and I walk out of the room and I see her in the living room with Tina and I know they already mated meaning they are closer then me so I teleport to the base and I see all the members around the table and I said

"What's going on here!!"

They all turned to me and they were pissed and one of them said

"You betrayed us!! You went to a pack!"

I take a deep breath and I yelled

"I still haven't betrayed you guys they are my mates pack not mine!!! They don't like me at all!!"

I see their eyes soften and I sigh and I look away and I said

"And they are mated already.."

I fall down to the floor when they give me a group hug and I smile and said

"You guys don't need to worry about me betraying all of you.."

They move away from me and I lay on the floor and I said

"Now go back to work"

They stood up and bow and then left and I walk to my room and I walk to my bathroom and I took a shower with nice warm water

I get out the bathroom with a towel wrapped to  cover me and I see Val and Tina in my bed and they were checking me out and I said

"Why are you guys here"

They smile and and I go to my closet and I hear them said

"Well you disappeared and we came here while you were showering..that took you 30 minutes"

I smile while I had my back at them and i pull my towel lower and I wrap it around my waist and I put a big white baggy shirt fast and I turn to them when I grab boxers and I said

"Close your eyes.."

Val smile and said

"But I already seen your dick before"

I sigh while I roll my eyes and I see them close their eyes and I take the towel and I put my boxers fast and I lay down gently on my bed on my stomach and I felt a sharp slap on my ass and I hear Val say

"That for leaving us today"

I flip around and she stand up and after I blink she was on top of me with my hands being pinned down on the bed and she got closer to my face and she said

"Darling..do you want us.."

My breath hitch and I look deep into her eyes and I felt her hand around my neck and she said

"Because we want to know every inch of you.."

I teleport behind her and I push her to the bed and I whisper in her ear from behind

"You will have to wait darling..I'm not that desperate to have sex.."

I see her getting goosebumps and I smile and I press my body on her and I feel my dick on her ass and I hear her whimper but I move away and I walk to my closet and I put black pants and I turn back to them and I smile and I blow them a kiss and I said

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