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It's been 4 days since I'm trapped here underground..it's been painful since Tina bit my neck even my wolf have been in pain but I been taking it all almost everyday..

I was on the floor after pain rash all through my body and today it will be more painful then the other days because the bite on my neck is going to heal painfully..

I stood up after a while being on the floor and I hear the elevator doors open so I look to the door and my best friend Dean came in with a smile while he was holding a bag of takeout food

I smile but when I was getting close I stopped when I smelled my mates scents and my smile faded and Dean said

"I went to talk to them but they wanted to come..And they are your mates so technically I have to follow their orders"

I growl at Dean..and let me tell you I mad at him for being them because today it's the worse day and I was still mad at Tina for punishing me by rejecting me..And she said some means things to me..she been acting like a bitch...

I walk to the table and I look away when I was already sitting down at the table and I hear steps coming to me and I started scratching my neck when they were close to me and their scent hit my nose

Dean came a little after and he put the food next to me and I look up to him and shoot him a glare and he said

"I'm sorry I know I messed up by bringing them here"

I said while crossing my arms

"Just sit down and eat something..and if something happens I will make you regret bringing them here"

I feel my heat speeding up for no reason and a sharp pain on the bite and I close my eyes and  I rest back when I start feeling a headache and someone tap me on my leg and Dean said

"Is everything okay.."

I turn my head to Dean and I open my eyes and I know my eyes were glowing purple because he gasp and I said

"It's fine dude I'm still in control"

I smile at him and I get up and I was to the door that it was soundproof and I close the door and I scream at the top of my lungs..

yes I was hiding the pain the whole time and I just lied to my friend about having control

After I was done and I was tired already and I open the door and I walk back to them and I could tell right away that my best friend notice

But then I felt liquid coming down from my nose to my lips and i realized it was blood but the thing is that my blood it's different depending on how much control I have and I touch the blood and I look at it and it was black and i cover it fast when I see it on my fingers

I hear gasps from them and I walk to the room and I lock it then I went to the big bathroom and I clean my nose fast while being careful with my face piercings

After a few minutes the blood stopped but then I hear knocks on the door and I hear Val said

"Are you okay in there love"

I walk to the bedroom door and I open it and I know my eyes were back to normal at this point and I nod and I walk past her and I sat on the couch and I can tell that the powers in this room is effecting them because I see my best friend looking like is about to pass out so I said

"You guys need to leave before the pain gets worse because of this room..I will go back soon don't worry"

I close my eyes and I hear multiple footsteps walking to the elevator and then I hear the elevator go up and I let out a tear and I knew I missed them after not seeing them for 4 days but I didn't want to them to know that but when they felt i felt sad and lonely..

735 words

Sorry this chapter is short..I ran out of ideas..🥲

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