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I know what I did to jay was wrong and I regret it already..but it was my father who she was hurting..And yeah I know my dad can be a bitch sometimes..we'll always but he is still my dad...

When we got to see jay..I know she was mad at me..I could tell because she was not smiling or even looking at me at this point and she only ever talked was to her best friend.. I know I shouldn't be jealous of him but is impossible when jay is only talking to him..

(Later that day)
Val and I were inside her room and I was laying down and I broke down crying because I will never forget this moment and I will always regret doing that her her

Val hugged me and I hug her back and I said

"I regret doing that to her..I'm supposed to make her happy..not the opposite"

I was sobbing at this point and I felt Val rubbing my back while saying

"I know you regret..I can see it..she will see if to don't worry.."

I started to calm down and I hear the front door open I move away from Val and wipe my tears from my face and I know it's jay because of her delicious scent so I jay down and I cover myself with a blanket

I hear the bed room door open and I could feel her putting hole in my back so how much was stare at me and then I hear her whisper

"Is she asleep..move to her side carefully..don't wake her up"

I felt myself smile because I least she care enough to not wake me up and I did feel Val move closer to me carefully and then I know jay got in the bed because there was a lot of moving and then I hear Val whisper

"Are you mad at Tina"

I know it's wrong to listen to people conversation but this is important..after a long pause..I hear jay said

"Let's talk about this tomorrow please I'm tired..I want to go to sleep.."

Then I felt to on the bed and I went to sleep sad after a while..

*In the morning*

I wake up and I sat up while my eyes were close but when I open my eyes..I look next to me and I saw the bed empty so I get out of the bed and I walk to the bathroom and I get there I go to the sink and I brush my teeth and then wash my wash before I walk out of the bathroom

I downstairs and I see jay on the living room with Val and I just ignore it and I walk to the kitchen and i walk to the fridge and I open it and I had to bend down the get the milk from the bottom of the fridge and I grab the milk and then I stop bending down and I close the fridge and I walk to the blender

I pour milk inside if it and then I grab some bananas and strawberries and I cut them I put it the blender and I add some sugar and vanilla ice cream and ice and then I close the blender and I blend it smooth

When I saw that it was smooth I turn off the blender and I pour some on a glass cup and someone hug from behind and I melted hug and I said

"Do you want some darling"

I hear Valentina said

"Yes please and make two jay want some..and one more thing don't bend down while wearing those sexy panties..showing everything"

She move away from and I was smiling when she said that and I felt slap on my ass and I said

"I will bend down away if you keep doing what your doing behind me while I'm trying to make the milkshakes"

She move me to a different side on the counter and she bend me over it and I felt her rub her dick on my ass and she said while she was putting my hands behind my back

"Maybe I should just fuck you while jay hears"

I let out a whine and I still felt her rubbing her hard dick on my ass and then I realized she was in boxers and I push my ass into her dick and I hear her groan and then one of her hand goes down to my wet pussy and she started rubbing her fingers into slow motion on top of my underwear and I let out a whine and I hear her chuckle but then she stops and she slides down my underwear that it went down to the floor and I saw jay watching while smiling and then she winks at me and I look down and out of nowhere Valentina started fingering me and when she went faster..

I let out a moan and I felt myself getting close but then she stopped and she whisper in my ear

"Do you want to have my dick inside you..tell jay how much you want it..beg her"

I look at jay and I know she heard it because she had a smirk on her face while walking to me until she was in front of me and she said

"You heard her tell me..or should I say beg me"

I felt my cheeks burn from how red I was and I said

"Please jay..I want her dick inside me please..I will do anything!.."

I was her smile but then she turned to Valentina and said

"Keep teasing her..because that was not a Good beg"

After she said that I felt Valentina teasing me again by fingering me fast and I let out a moan and I said

"Please jay..please let her fuck me until I can't walk!!..let her take me all please!!.."

Valentina started kissing my neck and I hear jay said

"Go ahead Val..fuck her until she can't walk or beg for more.."

After she said that I felt Valentina flip me over gently for her to see me and she grab my hands and put it under me and I see that jay goes to Valentina with a condom and give it to Valentina and I see that Valentina took it and open it and put it on and I closed my eyes

Then I felt Valentina dick on my entrance and I whine and I felt her grab into my hips and she enters slowly until she was all in and she stopped moving for me to get used to it and after a few seconds I nod my and I said

"Go ahead move please"

She started moving slow but the she started going faster that I turned into a moaning mess and she said

"You can cum whenever you want"

Then I felt her take my breast in her hand and she started gently rubbing my nibble between her fingers and I moan and then she start getting my G spot and I came so fast while I moan and I hear her said

"You did great love..I know your tired by now"

I close my eyes and she pull her and let me go of me but after a few minutes she pick me up..and took me somewhere..

1260 words
Poor milkshakes😪

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