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I waked up and I look around and I realized I was cuddling with Valentina I sat up slowly and I put my hand somewhere on Valentina without looking.

I hear a moan from Valentina when I put pressure on my hand touching Valentina so I look at Valentina.

I pull my hand away when I realized where I put my hand on her lower stomach.

I know my cheeks were red because I heard Valentina moan without meaning to even though it was hot.

I felt a hand grab my neck and push me down to the bed and Valentina gets on top of me and I look at her.

I see that Valentina was smirking at me and she said,

"Why did you do that darling"

I took a deep breath and I said

"I didn't mean to..I didn't realize where I put my hand on"

I felt her knee between my legs and I kept looking at her and Valentina said,

"Maybe I should teach you a lesson to look where you put your hands on next time"

I was about to say something but she cover my mouth with her other hand and she put pressure in between my legs.

My breath hitched and I closed my eyes trying to control myself from moaning but then I hear her say,

"Don't try to control yourself you know that won't work"

She started moving her knee gently and I open my eyes and I moan and she smiles at me and she said,

"Good girl"

I hate to admit it but I felt myself melt when she called me that even I could feel my wolf tail wags at how happy shadow was.

I felt Tina move and I hear her said,

"What are you doing to jay this early "

I see that Valentina turned to her and she stop her knee from moving and she said,

"She touched my cock when I was sleeping making me moan"

I felt Tina eyes on me and she said,

"What a naughty little thing"

I felt myself getting hard and I know Valentina could feel it and she smirks and said,

"Well that naughty thing cock just got hard"

After she said that I wanted to hide myself so I close my eyes and I hear Tina said,

"Can you feel that she is big or no"

I hear Valentina said,

"Yeah she has a big dick if that what your asking"

I got embarrassed not because of my size but because they were talking about this in front of me.

For that I let out a whine and Valentina uncover my mouth and I open my eyes and I stare at both of them and said,

"Please don't say things like that in front of me it's embarrassing for me"

I hear Valentina laugh and she turned to me and said,

"Don't be embarrassed we are your mates"

I turned my head away but I felt Valentina grub my face and turned me to her and said,

"Do you understand or do we need to teach you a lesson"

I look at her and I said quickly,

"No no I understand ma'am"

Valentina said,

"Actually I prefer sir"

I took a deep breath and said,

"Sorry I understand Sir"

I saw that Valentina smile at me and she get off of me and she said,

"I feel like you learned your lesson already but you can't touch yourself understand"

I sat up and I look at her and said,

"What are you going to do if I do"

She looks at me and she raised her eyebrow
I quickly sat up and said,

"I'm sorry sir"

I know I was being submissive right now but it was because my wolf was feeling submissive to..Yes my wolf is a switch to.

I felt a kiss on my head and I smile without realizing but I quickly turned to Tina and I go to her because she was still on the bed.

I go closer to her and I cuddle with her and I rest my head on her chest and I hear her laugh but then I went to sleep.

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