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I wake up after I passed out and I stood up and u got a massive headache and I hold my head. I shake someone near me and I hear Tina groan and I felt her move and I kept shaking her until I hear her said,

"Stop I'm getting up already"

I open my eyes and i look at her and she stare at me and I said in a quiet voice.

"I am having a massive headache I think it's a side effect from drinking blood for the first time in a while"

I see you fawn and she gently get out of bed and walks out the room and I lay back down and cover my face with my hands.

Few minutes later I hear footsteps coming up but they sound different because they were heavy steps...I know it's not Tina because she has light steps.

So I get up and I walk out the room and I close the door and had a serious face on and I look up to the man and I said,

"Who are you?.."

I crossed my arms and I hear Tina footsteps coming closer and the man In front of me spoke.

"You must be the famous hybrid my daughter has been talking about..you smell like a wet dog.."

I chuckle but then I turn cold away and I look at him and said,

"Don't disrespect me..unless you want to get hit by a powerful hybrid"

Tina walk to me and whisper in my ear saying,

"Stop that's my dad your talking to so stop with your father problems and show respect"

I look at her and I know I was shocked not because that bitch was her father but because she called me out but I said,

"Then get the ugly blood sucking of a father to stay out of Val room because he was walking here by himself like he owns the house"

I turn away to open the room but Val open it and the blood sucking man said,

"Ohh you got to be kidding me another weak wet dog"

I turn around fast and I punch right in the face but fall to the ground and I put my feet on his chest and I said,

"I did warn you but with my mates there is no warnings"

I press harder on his chest that I heard bones crack and I look down on him and I saw fear on his eyes and I smirk and said,

"Why are you not doing anything..I thought you were strong but your just another vampire scared on a hybrid.."

I forgot my mates were behind me until I heard Tina said,

"Let my father go before I hurt you"

I didn't listen to her and I kept looking at the blood sucking mother fucker and I hear Tina said,

"Maybe this is why your father doesn't love you because your a hybrid nightmare"

I know she just saying it without thinking and it didn't kinda hurts a little because I was my father favorite child until my body started to change and he found out the was hybrid intersex person.

I know I zoned out until I hear the blood sucker man laugh and yes I call him that because I don't like him...I hear the bitch say,

"Aww poor mutt is getting sad..because my daughter roast you in your deep wound"

I kick him on his side crack his bones and since I'm a witch I made sure the bones I broke will heal slowly and painfully..

I smile at him and said,

"Good luck on getting healed.. it will take maybe years..perks on being a powerful hybrid"

I felt someone grab me from behind and pinned me to the wall and I saw that it was Tina and she said,

"Darling I did warn you but you didn't listen to me so do you know when a vampire bite their soulmate neck and rejects them.."

I turn my head to the side exposing my neck and I said,

"If you don't want me just do it.."

Val said but I couldn't see her at all.

"Your going to far Tina"

I hear her whisper in my ear saying,

"Perks on vampire i can choose for how long the rejection will be"

I felt her bite my neck and I felt the pain rash to my whole body and I stare at her and I hear her say,

"I Tina Heart will reject Jay Black for a whole 7 days"

I close my eyes when I felt worse pain coming to my body..even my wolf started to whine in pain and I open my eyes and I look at her and I spoke kinda weak.

"I Jay Black will accept Tina Heart rejection for a whole 7 days.."

I look away and i began to walk until i fall down to the floor and my bones started to crack until I was in my wolf black form and I turned to them I growl loud at them until Val said,

"Why is your eyes glowing purple even though your eyes are blue"

I closed my eyes and i hear the blood sucking bitch said,

"She is one of a kind..she is all three and more..Werewolf..vampire..and a very powerful witch"

I open my eyes and i growl at him so loud they cover their ears and he was thrown to the wall without anyone touching him and I hear him groans and he said,

"Tina you made a mistake on rejecting her meaning she will lose control because her pain is 2 times worse then a normal rejection"

I groan painfully and I ran out of the back door into the woods and I felt my wolf take over..

What will happened next 😏

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