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I waked up by my alarm so I groan and I grab my phone from my packet and I stopped the alarm and I slowly sit up and I call my assistant she answers so I said,

"Can you please cancel my morning meetings I won't be able to go this morning"

My assistant said,

"Yes boss see you later"

I hang up and I look around and i see Tina and her blanket was at the floor so I get up and I grab the blanket from the floor and I cover Tina with her blanket.

I walk to Valentina and I tap her shoulder gently and I hear a groan from Valentina and she opens her eyes gently and I whisper in her ear saying,

"I need some comfy clothes where is your room"

I move away from Valentina ear and I see her cheeks kinda red and I chuckle and she said quietly.

"Darling upstairs on the far left"

I smile and I cover her face with a blanket and I walk out of the room and I walk up stairs and I go to her room and I look around it look so comfortable and it give a cozy feeling.

I smile and I cover her face with a blanket and I walk out of the room and I walk up stairs and I go to her room and I look around it look so comfortable and it give a cozy feeling

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(Valentina bedroom)

I walk to her closet and I grab a black hoodie and a black and white Flannel Sleep Pants
I lock Valentina door and I change right there.

I walk to her closet and I grab a black hoodie and a black and white Flannel Sleep Pants I lock Valentina door and I change right there

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(Jay outfit)

I unlock the door and I go back to the office and I see Valentina and Tina already woken up and they were sitting with their blanket.

I walk to my blanket and I grab it and I walk to Valentina and I look at her and I said,

"Can we switch please shadow is not leaving me alone because shadow wants the poor blanket and so do I"

Valentina laughs and she grubs my blanket and she gives me hers and I smiles happily.

I wrap myself with the blanket and I sat down next to Tina and I turn to her and I said,

"Good morning sunshine"

She smiles and said,

"Good morning love"

I hear shadow in my head saying,

'I love how they smell hopefully they are good at begging to or us begging to them'

I sigh and I said to shadow

'Keep your dirty thoughts out of my head please it's to early"

I hear shadow chuckle and I ignore it and I rest my head on Tina shoulder and I hear tina said,

"Are you still tired"

I groan and I said;

"I'm not a morning person I just woke up because of my stupid alarm"

I saw Valentina laugh and so did Tina and I close my eyes.

I smell Tina scent and I felt a tap on my shoulder so I open my eyes and Valentina smiles at me.

I smile back and Valentina said,

"Breakfast is ready so get off Tina shoulder"

I take my head of Tina shoulder and I wrap myself around the blanket again and I lift up my arms.

Valentina laugh and then she picks me up and hide my face on her shoulder and I felt her walking.

But she stops when she gets on the kitchen and I let go of her so she put me down gently.

deep down I wanted to put up a fight but I knew it was to early to show that side of myself.

I sat down on the chair and a chef came to me and said,

"What can I get for you today"

I smile at the chef and I said,

"Can I get a black coffee and two Mexican enchiladas please"

The chef nodded and I turn to Valentina and Tina and they looked surprised and Tina said,

" I'm surprised you can say it correctly"

I smile and said,

" yeah it easy when you know multiple languages like me but my first language was Spanish"

Valentina said,

" how many languages you know then"

I look at her smiling and I said,

"Spanish,French,Italian ,Russian,German, Korean,Japanese,Thai Chinese,Irish, And of course English and many more"

They both look at me shocked but then the chef put my plate in front of me and I turn to the chef and bow my head and I said,

"ขอบคุณ ฉันซาบซึ้งมาก"
(Thank you I appreciate it)

The chef smile and bow his head and then walk away so I started eating my food.

When I was finished with my food, I look up to them and I smile at them.

Valentina gets up and goes behind me and kisses me on the cheek.

I smile but then I feel my cheek turning red so I hide my face.

I feel a hand grab my throat and lift my head up and I rest my head on the chair and I said,

"It's to early don't you think to be grabbing my neck"

I feel Valentina hot breath on my ear.

And I hear Valentina whisper in my ear

" but it's never to early to turn you on and then put you on your place"

I take deep breaths and I look at Tina who was smiling and I said,

" I haven't done anything for you guys to do this to me this early"

I hear Tina said,

"Keep telling yourself that"

I look down at my pants and I saw I was hard so I cover with then blanket and they both laugh at me and Valentina said,

" I was just joking"

Valentina let go of me and I smile kinda relieved.

But now I got to think how am I going to get out without them noticing I'm turned on already..

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