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I wake up and I look around and but then I turn my phone on and I see that it was 11 in the morning and I got up slowly still kinda sore but not really and I walk out the room when I realized I was in comfy clothes

I go to the kitchen and see everyone glaring at me and I look at Val and Tina and I walk to them but a pack member push me away making me fall to the ground and he said

"Who are you!"

I stand up and I hear Val said

"Why did you push your other Luna!!"

After he heard that he bow to me and I just ignore him and I walk behind Tina and I hug her from behind and I said quietly while I pouted

"Why didn't you wake me up"

I hear him chuckle and she said

"Because you were to pretty to wake up"

I move away from her and I cross my across from arms and turn away from them and I hear an unfamiliar voice say

"Why do this Luna act so childish!"

I turn to the person who said that said while I put a serious face

"What did you say to me!"

My eyes glowed purple and I felt a hand on my chest stop me from walking to the person and I turn to Val who had her hand on my chest and I see her shake her head and I calm down right away making my eyes go back to normal

I walk to Val and I see her holding a cooked sausage and I bite the sausage and she stares at me and she said in a joking way

"How dare you take a bite of my food"

I smile at her and I shallows it and I said

"Because I can"

And then I stick my tongue at her and I took another bite and I walk back to Tina and I hug her from behind and I cover my face on her neck and I hear Tina said

"Darling let me eat please.."

I move away from her and I hear the same person I almost hit say

"Even her own mates get annoyed by her being so clingy"

And I turn to the person again and see her smirk back at me and I said

"Sweetheart your just an immature little bitch who wants to get beat up by someone who is more powerful then all three combined!!"

I see her smirk fade away and she turned to Val and said

"Is that true alpha"

Her eyes widened meaning Val nodded and I was about to attack until I hear small steps meaning it was Eli coming so I calm down and I see him running to me while Alice was behind try to catch him and I crotch down and he runs to my arms and I hold him while smiling and I said

"Wow you really missed me huh?.."

I see him nod and I stand up with him on my arms and I stare at him and I turn to Val and I said

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