Don't You Trust Me? (Dean Imagine)

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You cry out in pain as the demons torture you. One of them runs a sharp knife along your collarbone, tearing the skin and sending blood trickling down your chest. You're standing on cold cement with your arms out stretched. The rope tying down your wrists is burning your skin. Another knife runs down your chest. Tears begin to fill your eyes and run down your cheeks.
"Ahh!" You scream."Damn you."
You spit in the demons face. He slaps you hard with the back of his hand. You suck in a breath. Another demon slices deep into your side. You don't know how much more you can take. Dean has to be looking for you by now. You were with him when you were kidnapped. You had stayed in the impala while he went in the store for supplies, and he happened to have the demon knife with him.
She cut at you again. Your body gives a weak shake. It seems like you've been here for hours. They're either using you as a trap for Dean, or they want some sort of information. Either way, your in trouble.
"Why don't you sons of bitches just kill me right now?" You say, trying to steady your voice.
Both demons look at you and laugh. The guy squeezes your cheeks. "We can't kill you yet, silly. When Dean Winchester comes to rescue you, we want him to watch us slit your pretty little throat."
"You know," you say weakly, "When he does get here, he's going to kick your asses."
"Oh, sweetheart," the girl says with an evil smile. "I highly doubt that."
"Think again, bitch." Dean appears from behind a wall, with his gun pointed at the devils.
"Dean" you say with a rickety voice.
Dean looks at your bloody body and his face goes pale. "You bastards better let her go. I'll rip your friggin' throats out!"
"Dean, Dean, Dean. That gun isn't going to hurt us." She asked smugly. "You should know that by now."
"That's just the thing." Dean shoots one demon and then the next. "There's a devil's trap carved into the bullets."
Both monsters are shocked and angry, the humor completely gone from their faces. Dean then stabs one demon and then throws the knife at the other. You watch as they fall to the ground.
"Y/N." Dean runs over to you and starts cutting the rope. "I'm so sorry. I never should have left you."
After you're free of the ropes, you're too weak to stand and fall over. Dean catches you and picks you up. The last things you see are his worried green eyes before everything goes dark.
~time lapse~
You open your eyes and notice your in a motel room. Dean is sitting on the side of the bed by your legs.
"Y/N?" Sorry and concern flood his handsome face.
"What happened?" You ask groggily.
"Well, what's the last thing you remember?"
"I remember you rescuing me from the demons. That's it."
"You passed out. I brought you here and stitched you up."
You reach up and touch the scars on your chest. "Ah!" You wince.
"I stitched up the gash in your side."
You reach under the blanket to feel the wound and realize you have no shirt. You freeze.
"I had to get to the wound. Sorry."
You're too weak to care. "It's okay." You pull on the blanket, making sure it's covering your half bare chest, even though he already saw it.
"Thanks for saving me, Dean."
"You didn't think I would?" He brushes the hair from your eyes. "Don't you trust me by now?"
"Yes, I do trust you." You lay your hand on top of his, keeping it on your cheek. "I just want you to know that I'm thankful."
"You're welcome." Dean gives you a side smile and stands up, pulling his hand away. "Get some rest okay?"
You nod. "Okay."
He leans down and gives you light kiss on your forehead. He then sits down on a chair by the bed to watch over you. As you start drifting off to sleep, you hear Dean whisper: "I'm glad you're okay."

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