You're Family (Dean Imagine)

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  You're sitting at the table in your motel room with your face in your hands. Dean is coming to visit you. Last night he had called you, and you hadn't heard from him since your falling out a year ago. He had said he wanted to see you, because there was something he needed to say, and it's not like you could've said no. The the truth is, you've always loved Dean, and if you're being honest with yourself, you still do. The only problem is that he can never know. Dean doesn't do well with the whole "love" thing. It's not that he doesn't love, but that he never admits that he does. He keeps all of it buried inside underneath a "hard-as-nails" exterior.
You get up and start to pace. You don't know why you're so nervous, but the thought of seeing him again stirs up feelings that you've spent an entire year trying to cover up. It's not that you wanted to forget Dean, but remembering him brought too much pain. You half way wish he never called you. Heck, part of you never wants to see him for as long as you live, yet at the same time, the other part of you can't bear the thought of living the rest of your life without him.
A rap at the door stops you in your tracks. You walk over to the door and look through the peep hole. You see a familiar pair of green eyes on the other side. After taking a deep breath, you open the door.
The moment Dean sees you, he's frozen for a second. He then looks up and down your body, but not in his usual flirty way. He meets your eyes again.
"Hey." He says with a sad smile.
Dean was as handsome as ever, even though he looked tired and worn down. You hadn't known just how much you longed for him until he was standing in front of you. You swallow hard.
"Hey, Dean." You smile slightly and stand aside. "Come in, make yourself comfortable."
When Dean walks by, you catch a small whiff of his shampoo. You close your eyes and breathe in the scent. You always liked the smell of his shampoo, because it had become familiar and comforting.  The shift of a chair brought you back to reality. You look over to where Dean is sitting.
"Um, you want a beer?" You ask as you shut the door.
"Yeah, please."
You grab two beers out of the mini-fridge and sit across from Dean at the table. You slide one to him, and put one in from of you. Not wanting it to be quiet, you decide to be the first one to break the silence.
"I have to say Dean, I'm surprised." You hope your voice doesn't sound as shaky as your hands are. "Why the sudden reach out?"
Dean opens his beer and leans back in his chair. "I needed to see you, because there are things that need to be said that can't be said on the phone."
"What kinds of things? Is Sam okay?"
For a split second, Dean starts at this question but then blows it off. "Sam is fine."
This puts you at ease a little, but Dean is rarely the heart-to-heart kind of guy. When he does open up, it's always to Sam. You take a sip of your beer and wait for him to proceed.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. What happened last year, that's on me."
You were taken aback by this. In all honesty, you hadn't really known what to expect him to say, but it surprised you anyway. Dean always did have a tendency to blame himself for a whole lot of things, despite the many times you and Sam have told him he shouldn't do so.
"Dean.." You start. "What happened that day wasn't your fault. I'm the one that walked away."
"I should've stop you. I should've told you that..." He trails off and takes a sip of his beer.
"You should've told me what?" You ask hesitantly.
"Sam and I rely on you. You're a damn good hunter, and...."
"And what, Dean?"
He looks at you with a sad longing. "You're family."
You feel a slight jab in your chest. "You thought of me as family?"
"Come on, Y/N. You've known us for a couple years now. You had to have known that we'd give our lives to save yours"
You can't stop a tear from escaping your eye. You wipe it away. "Why couldn't you have told me that on the phone?"
"So, I could pick you up."
"Sam and I want you to come back. We need you."
You didn't know what to think. It seems like everything is happening at once.
"You don't need me. Crowley said—,"
"Crowley is a demon." He cuts you off. "Demons lie."
You get up and start to pace again. Deans eyes follow you.
You stop and look at him. "You still want me to come back? Even after I left? Even after I turned my back on you and Sam?"
He gets up from the table and stands in front you. "We don't turn our backs on family, no matter what."
You feel another stab.
"Besides, someone needs to save our asses." He smiles with a tinge of sadness in his eyes.
You can't help but smile. "I was always good at that wasn't I?"
He looks into your eyes and nods.
You put your hand on the side of his face. He closes his eyes and leans slightly into your hand.
"If you really want me to come back, I'll come back."
He looks down at you and smiles. This time, happiness is starting to shine through, but just a little.
"Like you said, someone needs to save those asses of yours."
  Dean looks down at you as if he's contemplating something. He then leans down toward you, and you stand on your toes to meet his lips. You never knew until now just how soft his lips were. You put your hand on the back of his head, and keep the other hand on his shoulder. He moves his head to the left and deepens the kiss. He lifts you up and you wrap your legs around his waist. His tongue slips into your mouth and he puts a hand on your thigh while supporting your back with his other arm.  All of the times you've imagined kissing Dean, never even came close to what you're experiencing right now.
He pulls back, allowing the two of you to get air. You put your forehead against his, breathing heavily.
"I thought I'd never get the chance to do that." He says with a slight smirk
Dean sets you down, but sets his hands on your shoulders to keep you steady.
"I'm glad you did."
He pulls you into a hug, and you close your eyes as you listen to his heartbeat. All of the time away from Dean, you never realized how lonely you really were. You never knew just how much you needed him, or how much you needed to be close to him.
"Dean? Please take me out of here."
After a minute of silence, you here Dean say: "You got it."
Yesterday, you thought that you'd never be happy. Now, as you're in Dean's arms, you feel the exact opposite. Not that there won't be sad times ahead, as there are with every hunter, but having someone during those sad times makes it all better.

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