Downward Spiral (Dean Imagine)

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        You look down at the blood spot on your shirt, where the bullet just hit you.Your eyes meet Dean's, before falling to the ground. Dean races towards you, fear and panic etched on his face. "NO!" He screams, dropping to the ground next to you. He puts a hand under your head, and puts pressure on the lesion in your chest. Sam starts to run over, but dean yells at him to go after he monster that shot you. You suck in a breath and cough.
"Y/N!" Dean cries, his deep voice cracking.
The pain from the slug is blurring your vision, but you can still see the agony in Dean's green eyes."Dean." You say, in between gasps for air.
"Hey, we're going to get you to a hospital okay? You're going to be fine, sweetheart." He goes to pick you up, but you stop him. "Dean," you put a hand on his arm, "it's..too..l-late. I'm not going to m-make it."
Tears start to fill his eyes, and his breathing is was rapid. "No."He says through gritted teeth.
Your eyes fill with your own tears, and you don't try to hold them back. You put a feeble hand to his face, and he closes his eyes at the touch, his bottom lip quivering. You rub your thumb back and fourth on his cheek. "I love you, Dean." You say, before breathing your last breath. Your hand goes limp, trailing down his face and falling into his lap. "Y/N!" He cries out, gripping your shirt in his hands. He gently closes your eyes with his first finger and thumb. With an aching chest, Dean takes your lifeless body in his arms, and holds you close to him. "I'm sorry." He whispers. All he can do is hold you in his arms and quietly sob.
     Dean sits alone in his motel room. His phone buzzes, indicating a message. Missed Call: Sam. He didn't want to talk to his brother. There's nothing Sam can say that will make it better, or easier to deal with. Dean has to bear this alone, he needs to bear it alone. He grabs the beer from the bedside table and takes a fast gulp, the liquid spilling down his chin.

He'll do anything at this point to numb himself, and to bury what losing you is doing to him

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He'll do anything at this point to numb himself, and to bury what losing you is doing to him. Ever since he can remember, he's always did all that he could to keep the people he cared about safe. He even started to think he'd be able to watch over you too, but you just ended up being another person he ended up failing.
Dean gets up drags himself over to the sink, taking one weary step at a time. He turns on the hot water and washes his hands, as if he's trying to wash away your blood, or the remorse. When he looks up, he's startled by what he sees staring back at him. Instead of his reflection, he sees you.

You're standing there with a saddened look on your face, and the bloodied shot wound in your torso

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You're standing there with a saddened look on your face, and the bloodied shot wound in your torso. Guilt rises in the Dean's chest, and it turns to anger. He punches the glass, causing it to shatter, along with the image of you. To his right, a corded phone hangs on the wall. He thinks of the look on your face as he rips it out of the wall, letting it crash to the floor. No longer being able to contain his anger, he picks up the TV over his head, he slams it onto the floor. His heart races as he walks around the room. With one swing of his hand, he hits the lamp off of the table. His anguish completely takes over, and he destroys everything he can get his hands on.

After a while, it looks like a tornado went through, devouring everything in it's sight

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After a while, it looks like a tornado went through, devouring everything in it's sight.
   When Dean is physically and emotionally drained, he sits back on his bed and puts his face in his hand. Never again will he hold you in his arms again, or feel your warm body next to his when he sleeps. The truth is, you're the only other person besides Sam, that he can't bear living without. When an image of your warm smile enters his mind, he grabs the beer bottle and smashes it against the wall. You're the only woman he ever truly loved, and he couldn't protect you. For that, he's never going to forgive himself.

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