Too Late (Dean imagine)

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     You and Dean are hunting a werewolf. You've tracked it to a small neighborhood in the suburbs. Dean parked Impala on the side of the road while she went into her house.
"You ready?" He asks you
"Yeah, let's do this."
The two of you step out of the car and take the weapons from the Arsenal. Dean hands you a silver knife, and you tuck your pistol in the back of you pants.
"We should slip up." Dean says. "You go in the back door, I'll go in the front door. We'll meet up inside."
"Got it."
"Hey." He puts his hand on your shoulder. "Be careful."
"You too."
He smirks. "When am I not?" He kisses your forehead before you go your separate ways.
You cross the street and creep along the side of the house, staying from view of any windows. When you get to the back door, you peak through the window. The werewolf isn't in sight. You take your lock pick from your pocket and work on unlocking the door. After getting inside, you take out your gun. Dean comes through the front door.
"Where is she?" He whispers
"I don't know, probably towards the back of the house."
Just then, a blond haired woman steps out into the living room.
"What's going on? Who are you?" She screams
"I'm sorry." Dean says before he fires three silver bullets into the monsters chest.
"Gee Dean, don't explain anything to the woman first." You say sarcastically. "Just come in here and go all Dirty Harry on her ass."
"Hey, shoot first, ask questions later. You know how I am."
"Yeah, a little too well."
Suddenly, a man comes running with a gun in his hand. Your guessing this man is her husband, and also a lycanthrope.
"Damn it." Dean says under his breath.
"Drop your guns or I shoot your girl." The man said to Dean.
Dean held out his hand and slowly dropped his weapon. You did the same.
"You shot my wife."
"She was a monster, and you are too." Dean states
"The only monster here is you." The man pulls the trigger, and you let out a scream as Dean drops to the ground.
"You son of a bitch." You quickly take out your silver knife and throw it. It ripped through the air and landed in the werewolf's  chest.
You drop down at Dean's side. He's taking strained breaths.
"It's all my fault Dean, I'm sorry. I should have looked—"
"No," he interrupts. "It's not your fault." He barely gets out.
You put a shaking hand on the bullet wound in his stomach. When you turn it over, it's covered in blood.
"Listen, we can fix you okay? Let me call Sam. Put pressure on the wound."
Your heart is racing and panic is rising up in your chest.
"Stop." He grabs your wrist. "There's not enough time. Listen, it's..for..the..b-best" Dean grimaces in pain.
"No Dean." Your voice cracks. You've never felt so helpless in your whole life. All you can do is watch Dean bleed out. You don't know how your going to tell Sam.
    Dean puts a weak hand on your cheek and wipes away your tears with his thumb. You close your eyes and move into his hand. He moves his hand to the back of your head, pulls you towards him, and presses his lips softly against yours. When you pull up, and you look into his green eyes, you see tears in them. You also see something else there. Something Dean would never say out loud: I love you.   
You take his hand in yours. "I love you too." You whisper
Dean's hand then goes limp and the life goes out of his eyes.
"NO!" You cry out.
You clutch his shirt in your hands and sob into his chest. "Why?!" You yell in between sobs. "Why?!"
You try and calm yourself down and think about what your going to do next. When an idea comes to you, you wipe your tears.
"I'm going to fix this." You say with determination.
You carry Dean's corpse on your back and slowly make your way outside. When you put him in the car of the impala, you drive away.
-time lapse-
  You arrive at a crossroads. After you put the box in a hole and cover it up, you say the necessary chant. The crossroad demon appears.
"Well, well, well, what can I do for you?" He asks evilly
"I'm here about Dean Winchester."
"Why am I not surprised?"
"Listen, you son of a bitch. I'm not here to play games."
You take a deep breath. "I want to make a deal."

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