Day at the Beach (Sam Imagine)

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             You lean back on your forearms and dig your heals into the warm sand. You close your eyes and feel the sun on your face as you listen to the waves crashing the shore.
"We needed this." Sam says next to you, breaking your reverie.
You open your eyes and look over at him. He's lying on his back with both arms tucked behind his head. His eyes are closed and you take this time to look at his bare chest. A little lump forms in your throat.
"Yeah." You reply. "I'm surprised that Dean was okay with it."
"Dean knows that we both need time off."
Sam turns over and props himself on one elbow. You do the same thing and face him. He inches closer to you, and you find it harder to breathe. It happens every time Sam gets close. He smiles and tucks your hair behind your ear.
"I really want to kiss you." He says in a low voice
"I'd like that Sam," You say looking into his eyes.
He leans in, but you stop his mouth with your finger and give him a wicked grin.
"Easy tiger. You have to catch me first."
You quickly get up and start to run towards the water. You hear Sam laugh and you look back to see him running after you. You smile and run faster. As your feet hit the water, you turn around and stick your tongue out at Sam. When he's in front of you, you turn back around to run, but he wraps his arms around your stomach and he tugs you against him. You let out a giggle.
"Sam, put me down"
"Make me." He teases
You kick your feet, and wiggle in his arms, but he still doesn't let go. He carries you farther out until the water is up to his knees. His laugh is deep and you can feel his chest move against your back.
"Sam," you say still giggling, "I said let me go."
"You want me to let you go?" He teases
"Well, okay then."
Sam lets go of you, and you hit the water with a splash. When you pop your head out, Sam is laughing.
"Whoops." He says mischievously.
"That's it, Winchester." You joke back.
When you stand up, Sam leans down and kisses you. Your eyes close and you feel the softness of his lips. He encircles his arms around you and picks you up. When he deepens the kiss, you put one arm around his neck and keep the other hand on the side of his face. He lets out a small sigh as your breaths intermingle. This is what you've wanted for a long time, and you want to savor every single moment. When Sam pulls away, you both have to catch your breath. He puts his forehead to yours.
"Finally," He smiles,"you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."
      As evening approaches, you and Sam are watching the sun set. He's sitting next and you move in closer. He wraps an arm around you, and you lay your head on his shoulder.
"Y/N, there's something I want to tell you." Sam hesitates, like he's afraid to say it, but you already know what it is.
You pull away and look at him.
"Sam, it's okay." You reassure him. "You don't have to say it. I love you too."
He looks at you with amazement and you can see the love in his eyes.
He gives you a light kiss, and you go back to watching the sunset.

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