I'm Sorry (Dean Imagine)

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You're in the dungeon in the bunker. A demon is possessing you.
"We have to exorcise it now Dean!" Sam says.
You can see them standing in front of you, but you have no control over your body. You can see everything from the demon's eyes.
"So Dean," the demon starts, "you'd be interested to know what's going on in this sweet girl's head."
"Shut up, Sam."
The demon laughs. "She's so pathetic. All she wants is for Dean Winchester to kiss her and love her, but the damn fool won't notice her. Either that, or you like her too, but won't admit it." The devil spawn shakes it's head.
Dean clenches his jaw.
"You doing okay there cowboy?"
"I should stab you right now."
The demon laughs again. "If you stab me, you stab her too."
You see Dean scowl. "Do it Sam."
Sam starts the exorcism. You feel the jolt of the demon shaking. It seems like forever before you scream as the devil leaves your body. You collapse in the chair you're tied to.
"Y/N?" Dean asks as he's untying you.
"Dean." After you're untied, you can't look him in the eye. "About what that demon said..."
Dean pulls you into you into his arms and kisses you. You weakly wrap you arms around his neck and kiss him back. His mouth opens and he turns his head to the side. All those dreams you had about Dean kissing you did not compare to what you're experiencing now. His arms tighten around you and he deepens the kiss. He eventually pulls away, and you can barely catch your breath. When you open your eyes, you see Dean looking at you with an intensity that almost chokes you.
You look up at him and smile. "You didn't have to do that you know."
"I know." Dean picks you up and carries you bridal style out of the dungeon.
-Time Lapse-
You're a demon again and you're straddling Dean as you tighten your hands around his throat. "What's the matter Winchester? Afraid to fight back? Dean doesn't reply and you can see the life draining out of his green eyes.
  You jerk awake and you're heart is racing. You sit up and look around. When you make sure you're still in Dean's room, you close you're eyes and take a deep breath.
"Y/N?" Dean asks in a sleepy voice. "You okay?"
You look over at Dean and he's perched on his elbow. "Just a nightmare. I was a demon again, and I was choking you to death."
"Shhh. Come here."
You lay back down and rest your head on Dean's bare chest. His skin is warm and his arms feel secure. He starts to stroke your hair. "You're not a demon anymore Y/N. You're safe. I'll keep you safe." You raise your head and kiss him.
He runs his hand along your collarbone. "Promise."
You lie back down and put your arm around him. Spending the night with Dean was incredible. Your love for him grew and you suspect he feels the same way.
"I'm sorry." He says in a low voice.
"For what?"
"I'm sorry for not protecting you from that demon, and for...."
"For what?"
"For not making a move sooner."
You get on top of him. "It's okay Dean.

I don't blame you for the demon."
"But if I only-"
You put your finger on his mouth. "It's not your fault Dean Winchester. If you keep blaming yourself, I'll shoot you."
You give a slight smile. "As for you not making a move sooner, although I was a little rustled, I understand. Hunters can't get too close to people."
Dean nods and then turns you over so he's on top. "Well, I'm not making that same mistake again."
You take a deep breath as Dean embraces you, and kisses you once more.

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