Returned (Dean Imagine)

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You're running through Purgatory, two vampires chasing after you. A sharp pain fills your chest and you stop, hiding behind a tree. Your grip tightens on your machete, and you brace yourself for trouble. Swallowing hard, you peek around the tree, and the coast is clear. You take a deep breath, and slowly step out into the open. You barely take two steps, when you get slammed from behind. Two vamps tower over you, baring their fangs. You swing your arm, but the monster rips the weapon out of your hand. You swallow hard. "Y/N" The vamp says in a sneer. "Y/N"
'How does he know my name?' You ask yourself, your mind still foggy from being slammed to the ground.
That voice sounds familiar.
"Y/N!" Dean's voice yells
You jerk awake, still safe in your motel room. You had fallen asleep on the couch, which is the first time you slept since you got back from purgatory. You turn your head and see Dean kneeling by you. He had been staying in the room next to yours. "Dean. What are you doing?" You yell. Seeing him here after that nightmare scared you half to death.
"I came in to check on you. I walk in and you slashing your knife around. I managed to get it out of your hand without getting killed." Dean still managed to stay calm, even after you yelled him. He has a cut right above his jawline and it put a piece of tape on it. You reach up and touch it with a single finger. "Did I do that?" You ask, biting your bottom lip.
"It's okay. I've had worse."
"I'm sorry, Dean. I was.." You trail off, pursing your lips. It's not an easy thing to talk about, even though you know that Dean will understand.
"You were dreaming about it weren't you?" He asks. "Purgatory."
You just look at him and nod. "I have nightmares every time I go to sleep, Dean. All I see, every time I close my eyes, is all the things I've killed. I see the things that I slashed through every single day. It haunts me."
     You get up and walk over to the sink, turning on the water. You splash cool water on your face, as if trying to wash away the images in your mind. After you dry off, you turn to face him. Dean gets up,walks over to you, and puts his hands on each side of your face. "Y/N, you're topside now. You're safe."
"But I don't deserve to be out, Dean. I shouldn't have been saved. I enjoyed killing them. Every creature that I was killed was a thrill. When I was down there, I became the monter." At this point, tears started to fill your eyes. He wiped a tear away with his thumb.
"Listen to me, you're not a monster. You did what you had to do, Y/N. No one can fault you for that, because that's how purgatory is. You do all that you have to do to survive, and if you get enjoyment out of it, then so freaking be it. They're monsters. You're here now, with me, and I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you."
You look into his green eyes, which look sincere. "You promise?"
He smiles, and tucks your hair behind your ears. "I promise."
You wrap your arms around him, and rest your head on his solid chest. The sound of his heart beat comforts you, and you have to keep telling yourself that this is all real. He holds you close to him for several minutes, stroking your hair, and not saying a word.
"Hmm?" He responds, kissing the top of your head.
"Will you lie in bed with me? I might not have a nightmare if you're there."
"Sure, sweetheart."
You walk over to the bed, and Dean follows you with his hands on your shoulders. Just feeling him so near brings you a peace you forgot had existed. During the year you spent in purgatory, peace was completely obsolete.
   You lie down, on top of the covers, and Dean Lies down next to you. You put your arm around him and breathe in his scent. You close your eyes and smile.
"You do, you know." He says in a low voice, breaking the silence.
"I what?"
"Deserve to be saved."
You cock your head back to look at him."You think so?"
"I know so. Besides, " He smiles. "I'm always right."
You smile back at him. "Sure you are."
You lay your head back on his shoulder. A few moments after that, Dean falls asleep. As you listen to his steady breathing, you slowly drift to sleep yourself, and for the first time you got out, you don't have a single nightmare.

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