Top-side Part 2 (Dean Imagine)

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You stand there, frozen, looking Dean in the eyes. The hair on your arms stick straight up, and your heart seems to be trying to bust right out of your chest. The look on Dean's face almost makes your knees buckle underneath you.
"Hiya, Dean." You finally say with a bittersweet smile.
Dean stays still, almost as if he doesn't know what to do next. That's completely understandable of course. As hunters, no matter how many times people come back from the dead, a certain precaution always comes with them.
After a moment, you turn your gaze to look at Sam. "Hi, Sam."
He doesn't say anything, but just nods. He has the same apprehension on his face that his brother does, and as much as you understand, you want to be believed.
You look back at Dean, who hasn't taken his eyes off of you. You slowly raise your hands, and try to step further out of the woods.
"Stop." Dean says, his voice slightly cracking. His gun is pointed straight at your chest, and it feels like he already shot you.
"It's me, Dean." Your voice is pleading, and you can feel the slight burning in your eyes as the tears threaten to rise up. After only a seconds hesitation, you hold your hand out defensively. "I'll show you."
You raise your leg slightly and pull the angel blade out of your boot. 
  Not taking your eyes off of Dean, you slowly and carefully cut a part of your forearm. Blood rises to the surface, and starts to drip on to the grass underneath of your feet. Your chest is heavy, like there is a cinderblock putting all of its weight on your lungs. You swallow hard. "See?" You can't hold back the quiver in your voice, and you feel like any moment you'll lose it all together.
Dean slowly approaches you, as he uncaps the flask of holy water. You stand tall, and close your eyes, waiting for it. Within in the next few seconds, cold water is splashed on your face, and aside from being wet, nothing else happens.
You open your eyes, and Dean is a foot away from you. His chest is heaving, and he tosses the flask back to Sam. The moment he turns back to face you, you throw yourself into his arms. He pulls you against him, and you bury your face in his neck. The heat of his skin warms every part of you, and for the first time since you got out, you actually feel alive.
"I missed you." You whisper, almost inaudibly, right against his ear.
     He places you down, and pulls back to look down at you. A tear drops out of his green eyes, and you wipe it away with your hand. You briefly look at his lips before stepping on your toes to kiss him. His soft, warm lips envelope yours as he kisses you back. Your arms tighten around his neck, and he lets out a small sigh before deepening the kiss. The fact that Sam is standing right there, seems to completely escape your notice. Dean's kisses almost become desperate, as if he's afraid you're going to be snatched away again.
A short moment passes before Dean finally pulls back, and you feel his heart rapidly beating against your own. Your eyes open and a smile forms on your face.
"Welcome back, sweetheart." Dean says with a smirk, even though his eyes are ever so misty.
  You swallow hard, and push all of your worries to the back of your mind. "Good to be back."
Sam, who had walked off a bit, comes back. "Maybe we should get moving?"
"Hell, I'm in. I'm freaking starving." You say, grabbing your stomach. You're surprised they haven't heard it growl.
Dean chuckles. "Me too. Pretty sure there's a roadhouse not too far."
"Then what the hell are we still doing here?" You smile, racing for the impala. "I call shotgun!"
Dean pats Sam on the back, and feigns sympathy. "You heard her."
Sam just sighs and shakes his head. He can't help but smile. "Just this once."
You give Dean a mischievous smile and a wink before turning to Sam. "Sure. Just this once"
~time lapse~
The roadhouse isn't as busy this time of day, so it's somewhat quiet. You find a booth in the back, and slide into it. Both Sam and Dean occupy the one across from you.
"Damn." You say, as you let out a sigh. "Funny how things change. I mean just hours ago I was....." You trail off, biting your lip. The look on Dean's face is unreadable, but it hurts to see it. "Anyway, I need me a burger." You fake a smile, trying to hide the fact that you're terrified.
The table is silent, each of you not knowing what to say, until the waitress comes over.
"What can I you guys?" She asks bubbily. The way you're feeling right now, you want to punch bubbily.
"We'll take two BBQ bacon burgers, and a Cobb salad for jolly green." You smirked, jerking your head towards Sam.
"Well, okie dokie. And to drink?"
"Three beers."
"You got it!" She smiles, widely. "I'll be back!"
She walks away, and you roll your eyes. Dean leans back and chuckles. "Well, look at you taking control."
You lean over the table, and give Dean a seductive smile. "Don't act like you don't like it."
Dean raises his eyebrows, and lets out a nervous chuckle before turning serious.
"Jolly Green?" Sam looks at you, raising his eye brows.
  You slowly turn your gaze away from Dean. "Have a little fun, Sammy, it's good for you."
Sam rolls his eyes, but still smiles.
  It falls quiet again, and this time, it's Dean who breaks the silence. "So...."
The moment you've been dreading is here, and you can't avoid it. "So..."
  "What do we do? Do you...remember..anything?"
"All I remember, is one moment, I'm frying, and the next, I'm lying is some field." You give Dean a serious look. "Dean, I woke up with a freaking angel blade. Who or What would do that? Who ever brought me top-side, knew that you were both going to be nearby. What the hell?"
  The brothers give each other a hesitant glance, and looked back at you. Your stomach drops. "What?"
Dean clears his throat. "I think we know who were dealing with." Theres a pause that seems eternal.
"Dean." You plead, despite the lump in your throat.
He looks down, and then back up. "We think it's....Chuck."
To be continued...

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