I Need You (Dean Imagine)

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Your heart races as you look down at the test in your hand, waiting for the results. You had thrown up three mornings in a row and you knew you had to take it. You wait impatiently, tapping your fingers on the sink counter. When the second pink line appears, your stomach drops, and your hand goes to your mouth. You touch your stomach and smile. "I'm going to have a baby." You say to yourself. You back up against the wall to keep yourself from falling. Saying it out loud, made the truth set in and you became terrified. "I'm going to have a baby." You repeat, this time more serious. Your heart rate picks up again, and you slide down the wall, sitting on the tile floor. What are you going to do? And most importantly, how are you going to tell Dean that he's the father. Your stomach turns and you feel like you're going to puke again. How are you going to raise a child in this life? How is Dean going to react? All these thoughts run through your head, there was a light knock on the door.
"Y/N?" Dean calls
You get up and quickly hide the test in the back of your pants, just like you would your gun. You unlock the door and open it slightly, peeking your head out. "Yeah?"
Dean looks concerned. "You've been in there a long time, are you okay?"
You walk out and shut the door behind you. "I'm fine, just a little nauseous."
As you walk to the library next to him, your mind races over how you're going to tell him. You're just so afraid of how he's going to take it. You've always known he doesn't want children, and you understand why. He doesn't want to raise a child in the hunting life, and you agree, which is why you don't know what to do. You put your hands behind your back to keep them from shaking.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asks putting his arm around you.
"I'm fine, Dean. Trust me."
Of course you're lying through your teeth, and you have a feeling that Dean knows it. You've been together too long not to know when the other is lying. Even if he does suspect you, he doesn't say anything more, and you appreciate it.
"Hey," Sam says as you walk into the room, "I think I found us a case, right in Lawrence."
A case will be the perfect thing to keep your mind off of it. It'll give you more time to tell Dean your news. The thought of telling Dean makes your stomach turn. You bite your lip, and hope Sam or Dean don't notice.
"So get this," Sam continues, "A collage student was found dead in her locked dorm room. Her body was drained of blood."
"So we thinking vamp?" Dean asks
"Looks that way."
"Alright, we'll hit the road in 15."
Dean walks to the room you share, and you follow him. You want to tell him now and get it over with, but it's not a good time, not before a hunt. He won't do the job right if he's distracted, and you can't have any catastrophes right now, not when you're going to need him.
As your packing your duffle, you feel Deans eyes on you. You look up and tilt your head.
"What?" You hope he can't see the fear in your eyes, and he doesn't seem to.
"I just can't shake the feeling that something isn't right with you." He says in a concerned voice.
You walk over to him and place a hand on the side of his face. "I promise I'm fine. Trust me, Dean." Truth is you're anything but fine, and you hate yourself for lying to him.
"Okay." He says, giving you a light kiss.
You feel a twinge in your chest. He deserves to know the truth right away. but there's no way you can tell him right now. You need more time to figure out how you're going to break the news to him.
When Dean's back is turned, you stick the test in your dresser drawer and close it quickly.
You put one of Dean's flannels into your duffle over your weapons and close it up.
"Here," Dean says, taking it from your hand, "I'll take that for you."
You give him a smile. "Thanks, babe."
He gives you a wink and heads out the door, and after taking a deep breath, you follow him.
~time lapse~
The vampire comes toward you, and you swiftly swing your machete. Blood spatters across your face, and the head falls to the ground with a thump.
"Thats the last one." You say, wiping your face with the back of your hand. After you clean everything up, you head back to the impala.
    "That vamp nest was a bitch." Dean says.
    You're starting to feel sick again, and that reminds you that you still have to tell Dean that he's going to be a father. Your heart sinks. How are you supposed to tell him? What if he leaves you? All of these thoughts fly through your head as you get in the car and Dean pulls out. As you watch the trees and other cars pass by, it's as if you're not even noticing. Your mind is solely on what's in your stomach, and the man in the driver's seat. You let out a long sigh. Dean looks at you through the rear view mirror, and you meet his eyes. When he looks back at the road, you swallow hard. He knows something isn't right, and you hate that.
The rest of the ride is a blur and soon you're pulling into the bunker garage. You need to get inside right away before you cry or puke. You run inside and and make a bee-line to your room. Your heart is racing, and you have to catch your breath. This will be the hardest thing you've ever had to do and you don't know how you're going to survive it. You shut the door behind you and begin to pace. The sound of footsteps echo down the hall and soon Dean opens the door.
"Y/N, what's wrong? And don't lie to me." He says, his voice somewhat demanding.
You look down, then back up at Dean, tears are filling your eyes. "I'm pregnant."
   Dean's shoulders drop, and his face is filled with shock. "What?"
You touch your stomach. "I'm going to have a baby, Dean. We're going to have a baby."
Dean's eyebrows furrow, and you can only imagine the thoughts going through his head. "When did you find out?" He asks, looking at the ground. 
"The day that we left for the hunt."
He's silent, and you swallow hard. "Dean, I know you don't want to raise a kid in this life, but it's going to happen. I'm going to have this child and I need you."
He rubs his hand down his face. As you stand there, your stomach ties in knots and you wish you could be anywhere else.
"Dean?" You ask, unable to take his silence.
He finally looks up at you, tears filling his green eyes. You walk over to him and place your hand on his face.
"Please don't tell me I'm going to do this parent thing alone."
He swallows hard and backs away from you, and your chest tightens. Dean takes one look at you with furrowed brows and walks out of the room, leaving you alone. All you can do at this moment is stand there, feeling completely numb. Dean left you. He actually left you when you needed him most, which is just what you were afraid was going to happen. You start to sob and you can't stop. You love Dean so much and trusted him to help you, and he not only abandoned you, but he abandoned his child. "That's it." You say to yourself. "I can't stay here. Dean doesn't want me here."
You take your duffle bag off of your couch and fill it with your clothes. With a heavy heart, you take one more look around your room, the room you shared with Dean. You put your duffle bag on your shoulder and walk out, shutting the door behind you. As you walk down the corridor one last time, you wipe the tears from your eyes. Sam and Dean aren't in the main room, and part of you is happy for that. Seeing them, especially Dean, will only make this decision harder for you.
   You walk slowly up the metal stairs and open the door. You're about to leave behind everything that matters to you, but if Dean doesn't want you, then it's the only choice you have. You unlock your '69 Chevelle and throw your bag on the passenger seat. You put the key into the ignition and the engine roars to life. Taking one more look at the bunker with tear filled eyes, you put the car in D, and drive away.
To be continued...

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