I Need You Part 2 (Dean Imagine)

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     A car door creaks open on its hinges and slams to a close. A sound that is familiar to you, as you sit behind the motel desk awaiting costumers. This particular sound seems to resonate deeper but you dismiss it as you run to the back room to shut the door. The office doors open and a tall man saunters through them carrying an old beat up duffle bag the green color fading into a muddied brown. He sets the bag on the floor, looks around and rings the service bell summoning you back to your post. The man had turned his back to the counter leaning against it waiting for your return. You run back to the front desk and begin to apologize. "I'm so sorry for the wait so how many beds will you-" the man turns back to face you his green eyes widened by the sound of your voice. His heart quickened at the thought of it being you, actually you.
"Y/N?" He breathed out the word quivering as he spoke it. You look up from the computer and your chest tightens. Although he tries to hide it, you can see the pain and and grief etched deep into his face. Your breath caught in your chest, you stood, bitting your lip.
"Dean." Your voice shook. Thoughts raced around your mind and came to a halt when a cry came from the back room, the cry of a baby. Dean looked passed you his eyebrows widened. Your head whipped towards the door then back to Dean.
"Can we talk? In my motel room?"
It takes a moment, but Dean eventually nods his head. You turn around and open the door, and pick your daughter up from the crib that sits against the back wall. The crying ceases, and she opens her eyes, looking up at you. "Mommy's here sweetie." You soothe.
You slowly walk out of the back room, and over to where Dean is standing.
"Dean," you say, trying to keep your voice steady. "Meet your daughter."
     Dean approaches you slowly, and looks down at the baby you hold in your arms. His eyebrows furrow, with both sadness and wonder. His eyes start to fill with tears as his big hand strokes the little head. He clears his throat. "What's her name."
You smile. "Mary..Samantha..Winchester."
He looks up at you and gives you a light smile. Despite how hurt he must be, you can see something in his eyes that gives you hope. "Let's go to my room and talk."
You put the baby against your chest and walk past Dean toward the door.
"Wait." Dean says as he runs ahead of you. He opens the door and stands aside, letting you walk passed him. As you walk to your room, you wonder what you're going to say. Will Dean even forgive you? Will he take you back? Will he agree to be Mary's father? All of these thoughts and questions go through your head as you walk. When you get to your door you turn to face Dean. "Do you want to hold her? I have to get my key."
Dean nods his head. You carefully put the baby into his arms. He looks down at her and a smile splays across his face.
"Hey, beautiful."
There's a twinge in your chest, and you hold back a few tears. You wonder how Dean could be acting so calm despite being so hurt, and betrayed. Mary starts to cry, but Dean slowly bounces her, shushing her calmly.
     You swallow hard and turn around. You reach into your back pocket and grab your key. You put the key in the lock and turn it, when you hear the click, you turn the knob and walk in. Dean walks in behind you, still bouncing Mary in his arms. You take a deep breath and try to calm yourself.
"You can set her in her crib if you want."
Dean spots the crib against the wall and walks over to it. "Here you go, sweetheart." Dean says in a gentle voice as he slowly sets her down. He rearranges her blankets before backing away. You begin to pace, and cross your arms to keep your hands from shaking. What exactly are you going to say to him? What are you going to say to the man who you abandoned? Mustering up your courage, you stop and turn around. "Dean." You swallow hard. "I'm sorry."
Dean seems to be taken slightly aback by this. At first he doesn't say anything, but looks at you with his brows furrowed. You don't think he's going to reply at all, until he clears his throat, which means he's masking his pain. "For what? For dropping a damn baby bomb on me then taking off?"
You throw your hands in the air. "What did you expect from me Dean?"
"I don't know, maybe give me time to freaking process?"
"You didn't say anything, Dean. You just left the room, leaving me thinking that you didn't want me anymore, or the baby."
Tears are starting to well up in your eyes,  slightly blurring Dean's figure. You wipe them away with the back of your hand. This is proving to be harder than you thought.
"You really thought that I wouldn't stick by you and my child? I never turn my back on my family, Y/N. Never."
You hang your head. All the guilt and shame is coming in waves, overwhelming you.  How could you leave him like that? How could you turn your back on the one person you loved more than anything?
     You can't even look up for fear of seeing Dean's face. "I'm sorry, Dean. I'm so sorry." You say, finally lifting your head. "I know you hurt you must feel, and how angry you must be, but I need you. We need you. I don't want Mary to grow up without you." Tears are falling now, but you don't wipe them away. Dean slowly walks over to you, and pulls you into his arms. You wrap your arms around his waist and rest your head against his solid chest. The rhythmic sound of his heart beat comforts you, and you realize just how much you really missed him. Dean gently strokes your hair and you tighten our hold on him, sobbing into his shirt.
"It's okay." Dean says, against your hair. "My daughter isn't growing up without me."
You back up slightly and wipe your eyes with your hand. Looking up at Dean, you see something in his green eyes that you thought was gone forever.
     Dean leans down, and gives you a light kiss. When he pulls back, you look at him and smile.
"I take it you forgive me then?"
"Yeah, I do." Dean smiles before he grabs your face, kissing you again. This time you kiss him back, and your arms move back around him. If you had to pick one thing that you missed the most, it would be Dean's soft lips on yours. After another moment, Dean pulls back, both of you needing air. You press your forehead against his.
"I love you, Dean Winchester."
"Me too, sweetheart. Me too." He eventually replies, bringing you over to the bed.

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