Trapped Final Part (Deanmon Imagine)

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The bullet pierces Dean's shoulder, and he acts as though it didn't faze him. Blood is starting to pool from the wound and he doesn't even seem to notice. He looks up at you with the same cocky, evil look he gave you before, but this time something is different. Something in this look makes your blood run cold. You know that deep down inside, you just made the biggest mistake of your life. You might've gotten away just now, but then again, being a demon makes him faster. Somehow you keep forgetting that fact, even though you're now trying not to die at his hands. You swallow the gulf ball sized lump in your throat. There's no way you can go past him to get back to your room. Sadly, you made your bed and now you have to sleep in it. You're six inches away from the door. All you have to do is open it and run as far away from the bunker as you can go. Maybe you'll meet Sam down the road, and he'll protect you. Even though you know that it's pointless, you try once again to reason with him.
"Dean," you say with your gun pointed at his chest, "if you let me go, I'll never come back. You'll never have to see me again. Tears are now starting to fill your eyes. "Just please don't kill me."
You hate begging like you're some kind of weakling, but you are by yourself with a black-eyed Dean Winchester, and for the first time ever, you're afraid. Dean doesn't say a word, but just looks you up and down.
"Dean," you continue, "you can fight this. You don't have to give into this bloodlust. Don't let the mark win this battle. It's not too late to come out on top." You lower your gun, knowing it won't do you any good, and because he's still Dean. "We've been through so much together, Dean. It can't end like this. Please don't end it like this." Dean looks down, and back up at you.
"I don't want to fight it."
You're stomach drops, and your chest tightens with fear. There's no way you can stay where you are, not while Dean is biding his time like this. You need to try something at least. You take this opportunity to quickly turn around and open the door. Rain is pouring down, and drenches you as soon as you walk outside, but that doesn't stop you. You take off at a run, but you slip on the slick ground. The rain drips in your eyes and slightly impairs your vision. You get up to run again, but arms turn you around and roughly pin you to the ground, making you grunt in pain. You squint so you can see, through the water. Dean is on top of you. He pulls out a knife, and holds it against your neck. His eyes are green, but they're full of malice. There's no way you can get out of this one, and it's pointless to fight back. Deep down you know that this is the end for you. Sam is MIA, and you don't even think he'll get to you in time. You look up at the man you love, yes love. Yes, he's a demon, but that mark on his arm doesn't change how you feel about him. "I love you, Dean."
"I told you that I don't want you to love me." He pulls back and his fist collides with your face. It stings, despite the cool rain beating on it. "Love makes us weak, Y/N." He punches you again, and you can smell the blood coming out of your nose. "I'm strong, and do you know why?" He punches you again. "Because I don't let myself love anyone."
Your face hurts and your head is starting to pound. Dean gives you one more punch, and all you can do is lie there, feeling numb. Rain is beating on your face and getting in your nose, causing it to burn. You lift a shaking hand to your face, and you feel a swollen cut.
"Dean, are you really going to let that mark on your arm control you?" You ask, choking on oncoming tears. Dean's eyes turn black.
"I'm not under control, Y/N. I'm free." He says with a cold voice, before giving you one last punch.
     Your thoughts start to become clouded, and you feel lightheaded as the world around you begins to blur. You hear a sound, but it seems muffled and far away. Someone else's blurred figure comes into view, but you can seem to move or speak. Your eyesight begins to darken as your eyes threaten to close. The last thing you see is Dean getting hit with holy water, before you slip into unconsciousness.
~time lapse~
You come to, feeling a cold rag on your forehead, and it takes a couple of seconds to realize that you're in bed. You open your eyes slightly to see a slightly blurred figure sitting next to you.  You bring a hand to your stinging face, and feel that it's swollen. Your eyesight begins to clear and you see that it's Sam.
You let out a small groan. "Son of a bitch."
"Are you feeling?" You hear Sam asks.
"Freaking peachy."
Sam hands you three Advil and a glass of water. "Here."
'Thanks." You take the pills in your hand and down them, washing them down with the water. You hand the cup to him and he puts it on the side table.
You wince, as you turn over. Dean slamming you to the ground shook you up a little, and you still haven't fully recovered from him almost choking you to death. You're eyes shoot wide open, and you grab Sam's arm.
"Where's Dean?" There was a little fear behind the question, not necessarily because your afraid of him killing you again, but that you were afraid that he was dead.
"He's fine." The way Sam said it made you uneasy. His face seem upbeat enough, but there was something in his eyes that you couldn't quite put your finger on it.
"What do you mean by fine."
"He's cured."
"Cured? It worked?"
You must have been out for quite sometime. To be fair, you had gone a couple of days without any sleep, so you can't blame it entirely on your run in with Dean. Still, Sam is being slightly cryptic, and it's starting to making you a little apprehensive. "Sam."
"It worked, but he won't come out of his room." He looks down and then back up at you. "I think he don't think he can face you. I saw it I his eyes, Y/N, when I cured him and he asked how you were."
     Your heart sinks. Sure, you almost died twice at his hands, but he was a demon. Sure, he still has the mark, but he has green eyes now. You could be mad at him, but what will that solve? You love him, and love means forgiveness. Maybe there's a small part of you that is angry, but you try to look at it from his side. He almost killed you twice, and the guilt was be starting to eat away. You sit up, and pull the blankets away from your legs.
"What are you doing?" Sam grabs your arm, trying to stop you.
"I have to see him, Sam. No matter what happened, he's still my boyfriend."
You hop out of bed, not think about how much pain you're in. You open your door and walk slowly down the hall. when you approach Dean's door, you stop. Part of you is unsure whether or not you should see him. Squaring your shoulders, you take a deep breath and knock three times. There was silence on the other end for several seconds, and just when you thought Dean wasn't in there, the door opens a little. The moment Dean sees you, you can see the remorse on his face. "Do you have a minute, Dean?"
"Are you sure you want to talk to me?"
You nod your head. "I do."
He opens the door, allowing you to walk past him. He shuts the door behind you, and for a moment, silence rains down on the room. For a while, Dean keeps his back to you, keeping his hand on the door nob. You see his shoulders drop, and it makes your heart ache. You touch his arm. "Look at me, Dean."
He turns around looks you in the eye. "I'm sorry." There is pain and guilt etched in his green eyes.
"I know you are, Dean. I forgive you." You touch his shoulder.
"How? I almost killed you twice." He puts a light hand to your face, his brows etched in sadness. "I did this you."
You put your hand over his. "I know that it wasn't you, Dean. You were a demon, I know you didn't mean it." You touch his shoulder, being careful not to hurt his wound. From the looks of it, Sam took the bullet out and fixed it up.
Dean pulls you into a hug, and you wrap your arms around him. He strokes the back of your head, and you close your eyes. Despite all that happened, you feel safe in his arms. "You know I didn't mean the things I said, right?" He against your hair in almost a whisper.
You pull back slightly to look up at him, and you smile. "I know."
Dean takes your face in both hands. He hesitates a moment before leaning down, and giving you a light kiss. After taking you back into his arms, you rest your head against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. "I'm glad you're back, Dean." You finally say.
He kisses the top of your head. "Me too, sweetheart, me too."

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