Chapter 1

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Well at least people are reading this mess, thats good. Yeah comments are much preferred.

Ravens POV

So guardians suck. Especially my human 'uncle Joey'. He knows I go on missions and kill the paranormal, he just does not happen to know that I am one. Unlike Edward, Joey gives me some of the harder missions or what I call the fun ones. "Mornin' darling", Uncle Joey said. Pleasures of living in the south. "Hey Joey, anything new mission-wise?" I replied, and grabbed some smoked salmon to eat, mmm my favorite. "I got a big one for you sweetie, but it will have to wait until you get home. I still need to get more info on the mission and set up precautions."

"Can I get a brief statement?"

"Yeah. Lycan pack infiltration. Moving."

It took me a second to understand what he said before I was unbelievably mad, struggling to keep my eyes from changing color, they reflect on my moods. "I AM MOVING?!?" I yelled, practically screamed. I can't leave, I just got some friends, and they don't think I am some weird monster child. "Yep, say you're final goodbyes because you leave at the end of the week." I grunted and went to the garage.

So it's Tuesday now, I have a little time. As I passed by the mirror to go to the garage I looked at myself, wow look how no one realizes I am a monster. Under that black hair, blue eyes, and perfect teeth, with a nice set of abs I must say, I am a monster. My eyes changed to a brown, to express my sadness. I ignored my pain and went to glance at my cars.

Yeah I said my cars. Uncle Joey doesn't own shit, this is practically my house. I own my Hennessey Venom GT, for when I wanna go fast, hah. Her nice gray finish makes me call her Storm. Also my Jeep for heavy missions, I call her Trish. My typical normal human car, is a pick up truck. I still love it enough to name it Blood because of its color. Well I guess its a normal human day for me.

When I got to school I was immediately greeted by my best and only friends, Susan and Morgana. They know nothing of me, but they provide great support during netflix marathons. "Hey girlie!" "Whats up Bitch?" they said to me, I couldn't but laugh but my smile dropped. "Oh no...what's wrong, sucked the wrong dick?" Susan couldn't stop with the jokes, what made it funny was she knew I normally distanced myself. Never had a boyfriend, never been kissed, never anything. Don't normally talk to guys.

"No......I am moving." Gasps were made by the audience. "NO BITCH YOU CANT!", Susan replied. However Morgana was calmer, "Why are you moving?" I never thought of what to tell them. Hm, maybe "My uncle got a better job out of state, so we are moving." That'll work. "Where are you moving? When?" said Susan. Now comes the worse part, "I moving to Minnesota at the end of the week." I had to lie, no one can blow my cover.

At the end of the day, I went home and Uncle Joey told me more information. "You will be infiltrating the Lycan Pack 'Crimson Light'. By infiltrating I mean you are going to be put into the pack. You'll take a nightly pill that will make you smell like a werewolf and have very similar abilities, but they are very weak. I have given you some contacts that switch from your natural color to a golden color so they mimic a shift , but you can not shift. If anyone asks, you lost your ability to shift and say some sad story. So you'll exist within the pack and get close to the higher class rankings; meaning Alpha, Beta, and their families. The plan is to destroy the whole pack so find out everything you can about them, but don't do anything violent. Because you are a human, you are weak so when we have an upper point, we'll send in a squad to murder them all."

I was speechless. I am going to be living with vermin for weeks, months, who knows how long. I am mean, if I am successful I have a chance of being really big amongst other hunters, but I have to keep my cover. I can destroy the whole pack, if I fully transform into my full form, but I can't blow my cover and cause suspicion. "Okay, I am going to research the pack." I am excited and annoyed at the same time. So I researched who this pack is, and there is not a lot of information on this. I guess I am walking in this pack blindly. Great. I am too pissed for this, I need to blow off some steam.

One, two. One, two. One, two. Roundhouse kick. Turning back side kick. Joey has been having to keep buying new punching bags because I destroy them. They are literally ripped apart when I am finished. I got to stop doing it, because they cost a lot. After about 4 hours of non-stop fighting a bag, I'm pretty chill now. I have to be prepared for what is about to happen. I might need some weapons, but few. No, forget it, they'll be suspicious so none. Okay, shower time.

I am gonna miss my shower. Something about showers was so relaxing, you were free from everything for a brief moment, and my shower was awesome. A gigantic bathroom with a glass walled shower. The shower could fit like 6 people. Oh well. I turned the water and started stripping. I would say my body was hot, but it wasn't. I mean yes I have my abs, but scars were all over my body. I knew them so well I was able to hide them so easily.

After my shower I got dressed and got packed. I mean it isn't for another several days, but I need to make sure I am ready. I kranked my music to Panic!At the Disco and started moving. I packed for 2 months. And by that, I mean I threw in a pack of 4 pairs of clothes, my eyeliner, my contact case(which carried the gold contacts which I will not use), and a pill pack to carry those pills. I'll take them but the contacts are pointless, I can just adjust my eye color like usual. I also packed a box of granola bars and about 75 dollars. All of this will make it believable that I am a rogue. So thats good.....

The week passed by quickly. I trained extra hard just in case anything bad happened, so I trained about 7 hours a day. "Come on kiddo, I'll take you to the very farest outskirts of the pack town, which connects to the pack, and you'll walk the rest. Got it?", uncle Joey said. I saluted. "Sir! Yes, Sir!", I stifled a laugh. I got in the car and looked back at the house. Goodbye cars, goodbye shower, goodbye friends, goodbye freedom, goodbye fun. I plugged in my ear buds and listened to my favorite song, and slept.

Her "favorite song" is the URL. Okay I have a question. Is this long enough or no? -K Thanks bye.

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