Chapter 25

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Listen to this in the beginning of the chapter, it adds so much more emotion to it. The song makes me feel the way that Raven feels. You don't really need to listen when it gets to another POV. 

The beginning of the chapter also get's really dark so just a heads up.


Raven's POV

It's nearly been two months and I have given up. I still remain in the cell, I won't be a slave. However, I have given up on trying to get out. 

It's hopeless. I have no powers. I REFUSE to let anyone come save me, and risk their lives for no reason. 

Rav, you cant. We have to fight.

It's been like this for a while. She says this and then I just block her out. It's all she says. I am haunted by those blissful memories, and tortured by those terrible memories. 

I am in a prison inside my mind. Whenever it's time for the beatings, I just crouch up in a ball and lay there. I think and think and think, to get away. I needed to escape the pain. To be honest, I just thought of Amos. I created fantasies of us being together. Us bickering. Us hugging. Us holding hands. Him protecting me. Me protecting him. To me, I would consider him my equal if he did the same. I may be stronger than him, but I think sometimes he has a stronger mind than me. 

After the daily beatings, I lie soaked in blood. After they leave, I cry. Lately it's been hard to cry from dehydration, but I still manage a couple of tears. 

The following day the Alpha walked in again. I knew he was getting impatient, and he despised how stubborn I was. He stood in front of me and said, "Will you finally comply? Will you be a part of my plans?" 

I shook my head. Every day it was harder to speak so I just stopped. He growled, "Come on. You are the only one hurting yourself here. If you just agree to be my slave and do my bidding you won't be harmed anymore."

I slowly lifted my head, and spat on him. He took the opportunity to lift me up against the wall. His eyes seemed red with fury, "You will comply! One day." He dropped me and then sighed. 

"Actually. I am tired of waiting. We will make your pain worse. If it means I have to hurt you more for you to do as I say, then so be it. I think my guards will be pleased with my decision as well. They seemed a little....famished." 

He started to leave before turning around, "Are you absolutely sure that you don't want to join me?"

I paused. Maybe if I do just join him, I won't go through this pain. 

No. No I won't. I will never do as he says and be his pathetic slave in his game. 

I shook my head again. He sighed, "So be it." 

I didn't realize what was going to happen to me. So I just waited for the worse beatings. 


Despayr's POV

NO. NO. She didn't realize. She didn't know. I can't even tell her! 

I whimpered and went up to the figure once more. They seemed clearer now. White. No gender. A soft glow to the silhouette. I spoke softly, "I know you hear me. When can you help us? If not me, then her? She deserves it more than anyone." 

They were silent once again. I got angry. I yelled, "Something bad is going to happen! Help her!" 

This time the figure took form into a young woman. She walked up to me and said, "Not yet. She must realize what will happen and fight back. That is only when I am free to join her." 

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