Chapter 5

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A/N: So Hello everyone!! My views in my chapters have been decreasing so I hope my book isn't gradually getting worse. But I thank anyone who is enjoying the book because I love writing it. Literally I need a break from all this stupid science work I am doing, and writing is a great break. Especially since all the ideas are flowing at the moment, it's fantastic. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed Vex's POV from last chapter because I want to start incorporating it, maybe. 

So here is Chapter 5, Enjoy. -Bye.

Ravens POV(Day 2) 

Until about 3am this morning, I was outside in the woods running. I wanted to go in earlier, but the Alpha kept checking in my room for some reason.

I walked through the front doors and I was greeted with the same silence as yesterday morning. I ran up to my room and took another cold shower. Being 3am, I wasn't going to go to sleep just to wake up at 5am again, it was pointless. So I got dressed and walked downstairs to make some coffee. Black and super strong, just like my men. Haha, like I have men or have any relationships with anyone for that matter. 

I opened the fridge and smelled maybe the most fantastic thing ever. Raw meat. Raw salmon. Vegetables. My mouth was watering I was so happy. I grabbed a 5lb thing of ground beef and whole filet of salmon. I started searching for a plate and finally got one. My coffee was finished and I could finally eat a great meal. 

I started eating the ground beef quickly and was about two pounds in when I heard a noise. It was a whine, like from a child, but not. Oh god, someone is gonna look at me weird, I should've eaten faster. I turned around and it was none other than the Alpha. He looked at me oddly and I didn't understand it, until I realized there were some tears in his eyes. Wow a tough man with a soft heart. Maybe I accidently ate his meat, oops, don't care. He spoke softly, "You're back. I thought you left. I thought you left me." 

Did he realize that I like exercising and that running is exercise? Maybe I just wanted to run, gosh. I spoke, "Um, I just went for a run. Of course I would come back to a pack I wanted to join." He frowned at what I said. Well it isn't the first time someone doesn't like the things I say. Amos said, "Why did you barricade the door then? Are you trying to get away from me?". "Uh the door was barricaded to buy me some time because I wanted to run and I knew you would be mad for not following your directions.  And getting away from you isn't a goal, but it just happens, oh well." He got sad again, and spoke, "I wish you felt the way I feel about you. I wish you feel the bond, and then you'd understand why I am so sad. I feel so much for you, and I was broken when I thought you left me." 

I was frozen. Like when the guys didn't know what to do with a crying girl, I understood why. To see someone in such a vulnerable state is odd and peculiar, especially when they reveal that vulnerability to you. For once I actually felt for this man, because he probably feels so much but I ignore it, and treat him oddly. I spoke, "I apologize, but I can't feel that way for you yet. I know you but you most definitely do not me. And at the moment, I really am not the relationship person, soo...". 

He paused in confusion, "Wait, you said you know me? Pfft, I haven't told you anything but you think you know me?". Defensive hulk again. I spoke, "I don't know everything about you but I know enough." "Like what? I wear shirts?". I laughed under my breath, "Ha. No I know you work really late at night, probably till like 1 or 2am. You have fucked alot of women, some in your pack. You work out every day, not long enough, but you still work out. The only time you don't work out is when you're mom comes by."  

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