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Here is a Q&A for any questions you may have!!!

Q: How did you create your character Raven? 

A: She is kind of like me to be honest. Yeah Raven seems kind of like a psychopath at times, yes, but she is only like that when her emotions lead her that way. Majority of the time she seems rather focused and hardworking. I created her like this as a reflection of my character. 

Q: What is your favorite character? 

A:  So far Raven, but I do like Tate and Adimar. Vex is kind iffy for me. 

Q: What is the point of putting Raven in the Dark Blood Pack?

A: One word- Past. 

Q: Why did you want to start writing this book?  Asked by Wolf_Girl10999

A:  I love reading fantasy books. Especially werewolves and other paranormals, oddly not the much vampires. However, I've read so many werewolf books about the weak female being suppressed by the dominant angry alpha male. Yeah it was okay to read occasionally, but I hated the fact that the woman was always regarded as the weak one. So I wanted to read a book that made the woman strong, and so I decided to do just that. I happened to enjoy dragons as well so I chose to make my main character a dragon and went from there. 

Q: How did you create the ideas for the book?  Asked by Wolf_Girl10999

A: Well to be honest, when I started writing this I didn't know how I was going to develop the story. I just had a good beginning. Then all of the sudden I was inspired to think of all of these plot elements that could really make this story develop. To get that beginning in the first place, I honestly just looked at myself. 

A lot of what I have been writing is a reflection on what has happened to me. 

1) No I was not abused, I mean I was bullied when I was a child and I have some bad memories but I am all good now. 

2) I do happen to know how to fight and enjoy fighting but I don't do the things my character does. XD

3)  I don't like touch, so that's how I created that element. Also I've only had one boyfriend and the fights that Raven has had with Amos I had a little too (minus the whole cheating thing). 

And a lot of the personality traits that Raven has I think I have too. So what happened to be occurring in my life at the time, I just typed out in my own little world I created. I feel it's slightly calming and very empowering. However about everything else that has happened so far were just things I happened to think of. I occasionally have those "OMG" moments where I get so excited about what I am thinking about creating the story into.

Q: Might be early, but will you be making a sequel? 

A: I actually planned on it. No, it's not one of those spinoff books on another character. It will still follow Raven. However I am probably going to focus that book on her developing her relationship with Amos and her discovering more about her species as well as herself. 

Sorry to disappoint any of you, but this book is mostly going to be her tying up parts of her life that have really hurt her. I didn't want to make this into a romance story, but I wanted to include the possibility of one. I hinted at this throughout the book so far, and said that at this time Raven isn't ready to be in a relationship, so as the author I wasn't going to force something like that.

Q: How do you overcome writer's block? 

A: I actually ask myself this a lot. Because I do have moment where I am not inspired to write or don't know how to write without rushing things. I've read too many books that either rush or drag the plot line.  

However since my book is kind of like, ugh how do I describe it......... 'Badass' 'Fierce' 'Action-packed'..etc.  I listen to typically super badass music and watch like either werewolf tv shows on netflix (Bitten), or tv shows that have a similar tone to my book (like Lost Girl). After a while I get some ideas on how to continue the book and then start writing. 

So for anyone going through stuff like that, I recommend distracting yourself from stressing about having to update and then focus on something that might inspire or motivate you. When I first started writing and I noticed people were reading it, I felt stressed because I wanted to keep popping out more updates. However sometimes, writing doesn't come quick. Hell, even some writers who publish books take them a couple years to finish. You can't rush art. XD

Q: When do you update?

A: I actually used to do once a week, then it moved to one every two weeks. Now it's about once a month. I know that's a long time, but I try to make my chapters long so they are worth it. I am a super busy person I normally don't have a lot of time to write.

Q: Does Raven have any weaknesses? 

A: Yes. I am not going to make Raven the overpowered character who can't be beaten. She can. Might not be physically, but she can. 

Q: How long do you plan on making this book?

A: Since I don't want to drag the plot it's not going to be like 60-70 chapters. I also don't want to rush it so it wont be 30 chapters. So think between 35-55 chapters. I am doing this because I've read books that are so short I can finish them within a day, and I personally enjoy reading books that are long but not exaggeratedly long. 

Q: You have many grammar issues or spelling errors. Are you going to fix them?

A: *I was reading my book and I noticed it* Yes, when I finish my book I will go over it, edit and correct majority of my mistakes as well as try to make it more understandable. 

Q: Will there be a lot of 'steamy' scenes in the book? 

A: Sadly no. You may have noticed a couple so far, that aren't extreme at all. I might add a few more, but so far I don't want to make this book focused on romance. However, when I do get to making a sequel, expect allllllll of the steamy scenes. ;) 

Q: How did you make the names for your characters?

A: For Raven, I wanted her name to kind of reflect the dark part of her personality without being too extreme and I also really liked that type of name.

For Tate, I happened to be watching AHS at the time. 

For Vex Amos, in the canadian tv series Lost Girl there is a character named Vex is nothing like I made my character. However I enjoyed his dark personality, so I chose the name Vex and the last name from the actor who plays him Paul Amos. 

For Adimar, I happened to like the name for it and it seems like a good name for someone who seems kind of charming/goofy. 

For Violet(V), I love the name violet however I didn't want to say violet all the time so I chose V. I thought of V from the movie "V for Vendetta" which I love too much. :) 

*As you can see I love movies/tv shows and books. XD* 

Q: How old are you and where are you from? 

A: I won't reveal my age but I am in highschool. I am from the United States and live there currently.


A/N: That was it! If you guys have any more questions let me know and I'll add them to this Q&A.  I hope I answered any questions that might be on your mind. 

Yes majority of the questions were my own questions, but I thought if anyone wanted to know, they could. Also if I ever gain any more readers in the future, they can look at this for any questions they may have!

Hope you enjoyed and feel free to comment any more questions or what you guys think! 


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