Chapter 18

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It took forever but I finally wrote a new chapter. It's a little all over the place but maybe you guys can figure out the big twist that's going to occur.

I hope you enjoy this chapter!! Thanks everyone :) - TLC

Chapter 18

Raven's POV

We all started running. Emma and I were the only pair that carried one another. 

As I had her on my back I kicked in my dragon speed and started sprinting. We got onto the 3rd mile and I heard everyone else fighting brutally. 

I pushed harder to make sure we got at least a good 10 miles ahead of the group. Emma was silent the entire time, making it easier to focus on the goal. 

Yes, I was supposed to teach them but at the same time I wanted to win. I sense everyone moving on to their 5th mile while we were on our 15th. I dropped Emma on the ground and she took a deep breath. She stared at me and said, "Damn you are fast." 

I laughed maliciously and said, "Thanks. All in the training." 

I got serious and grunted, "Let's go." She nodded and ran with me for another 5 miles, as planned. I kept my pace with her, because it was a team effort. 

When we were at a total of 20 miles, with 5 left, we paused and took a breath to think. I noticed a still had my hoodie on me and Emma was wearing a sweatshirt. 

I smiled and said, "Take your sweatshirt off. Tie up an end and then store it was tons of rocks. I'll do the same. Let me know when you are done." 

By the time I sensed everyone being on their 10th lap, I was finished and Emma was too. I told her to throw the makeshift bag to the side and then we both proceeded to think of another plan of what to do next. 

She grinned and said, "Maybe we can do ambushes on the first people who arrive and then knock them out. If we rip some of our hoodies and put them in various places, they will get paranoid and be ready for an attack. Then a couple of miles later when they think they are fine, we knock them out?" 

I jumped in pure maliciousness, "Oh my god Emma I think we are meant to be best friends. Amazing idea." 

We took part of the hoodies and placed them on both sides of the path, and one further down the trail in the center of the path, but buried. I smelled two boys about to reach their 19th mile, and so we sprinted down to about the 21st mile. 

I got too happy so I turned to Emma and said, "I need to quickly do something, but I don't need your help. Go up and hide in the trees. When the boys arrive pounce on one and go for a pressure point that will knock them out. Don't wolf out though." 

She smiled nervously and responded with, "I'll try."

I ran a distance and then teleported in the trees above where the nearest set of boys were. I mindlinked one of them and said in a dark manly tone, Look behind you..

He nearly screamed and said, "Bro, what was that for?"

The other guy responded, "I did nothing. You're crazy man." 

He calmed down and relaxed a little. Then I teleported behind both of them and tapped their shoulders. I teleported in front of them and then whispered, "Boo." 

Quickly after I teleported to a place near Emma and then we both jumped into the trees. 

We smelled their scent and they were completely relaxed, apparently our trick with the hoodies did relax them a little. I happened to have a rock or two in the trees so I dropped a couple to startle them. They jumped before relaxing, the guy beside the other laughed and said, "Bro it's just a fallen twig, scared?".

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