Chapter 14

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A/N: Part two of my christmas/winter special! Sorry I am super late, I've been super busy with homework and exams.

This is a little extra longer, so hopefully it makes up for the long wait! 

Chapter 14

Raven's POV

I woke up with a heavy weight around me. I moved around the sheets and noticed Amos was around me, and his heavy arm was on me. I panicked and tried to scoot off the bed, until I crawled to a corner of the room. I stared at the sleeping Amos in utter confusion.

Then everything from last night came back to me, and I dreaded it. Oh god, what if he expects this to happen all the time? I am not ready for that shit. Agh. 

Anyways, today we have to leave to travel to the Dark Blood Pack.  I hoped in the shower to calm my muscles and wake up. It was about 5am, and it was still dark outside. I changed into a sports bra, black t-shirt, and leather jacket, with some black jeans and leather boots. 

He was still asleep and hugging the pillow. Ha. 

I dried my hair and threw some eyeliner on. As a opened the closet to get my backpack, I heard a groan from behind me. I continued to get the backpack as Amos cleared his throat. 

I turned around and he wore a faint smile and stared at me. I started to pack some clothes as he got up from the bed. I reached into the closet and arms appeared around me. I freaked out and twisted both arms before realizing it was Amos.

"Ow! Ow! What was that for?!?", he grunted. I finished putting some clothes in the backpack and motioned for him to sit on the bed. He stared at me as I said, "What happened yesterday--It can't happen again, for a while." 

He furrowed his brows, "What? Why!?"

"Because I am not ready for that and it's not the right time for that. I am still sensitive to touch and you must understand that. Also you sleeping next to me was also a one-time thing. I don't need that right now, and I am not comfortable with doing that again."

He grunted, "I understand. I hate it, but I understand. So why are you packing?"

"We leave today." 

"Oh, today?", Amos said and I nodded my head. He spoke, "Okay we need a plan. What are we doing to do?"

"Well, you are going to tell me the town in which the Dark Blood Pack is in and I will teleport us to a motel there. We can stay there until I strike. I'll make some pills that will hide your scents so the pack won't notice us arrive. When we go to the motel, I'll sign up for the room and once I get the key you guys can join."

"O-kay. Umh, when are we leaving?", he moved his hand to swipe it through his hair. "Well asap. But I'll give you and Adimar an hour."

"Well thank you, your highness.", he curtsied. I laughed a little then said, "Now go slave." 

He laughed and walked out. 


I finished packing and went to the kitchen to grab some salmon and vegetables for the trip there. I grabbed a canteen and filled it with water, hopefully enough for the trip. I started stretching and eating a lot of food.

I have to be at top energy since I am teleporting two other people. I don't want to be ambushed when I am exhausted. I'm not really sure whether my powers take energy to use them depending on how long they are used. But I don't want to push it. 

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