Chapter 2

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Hey guys!! Sorry for the long wait but I had exams and I finish them this upcoming week. I am so appreciative of your comments and votes and views, I am really surprised people would actually read this. So some of you said this could be longer and I am gonna work on it. I just wish I knew how many pages my chapter was before I publish it. It would make life easier. Well okay, so here is this next chapter. Some fun stuff is gonna happen. Thanks. Bye. - :3


"Wake up darlin, we're at the border of the pack now," Joey said. I groggily woke up and saw the sight. It was pretty ordinary, for it being infested with werewolves. So according to Joey I am supposed to go through the town, which has both humans and wolves, and then into the forest. The forest should contain the pack house and main pack area. Then I have to convince them to let me into the pack and come up with a good story.

I got out of the car and grabbed my pack. Joey said sadly, "This is where I leave you kid. I am not gonna see you for a while so be safe." Be safe. Easy. It's not like I would like these monstrosities. I replied, "I will be perfectly fine, dont worry Uncle Joe. Just don't get too rash and send soldiers to early, that would make a messy job. See you later Joey, Goodbye."

I feel like I should have said something nicer, but he was more like someone who assigned work rather than a family member. He wasn't even really my family. Oh well. I took the trip to the town. It's about 5 miles away. Easy job.

As I arrived, I grabbed some water and drank it sparingly. I should probably grab something to eat before I go to the pack, got to keep strong. When I really started looking into the town, it was small and close.

Little shops like a boutique, an antiques store that reaked of cigarettes, and a pottery shop/class were there. There was also some close houses that seemed of a mix of middle-class and rich people, probably humans. Wolves wouldn't live in the town unless they were banished here.

I came across a little grocery store thing, so I felt I should get one of my favorite meals, raw beef. I am probably gonna have to eat it in a bathroom but oh well, it is so worth it. When I walked in, I noticed not many payed attention to me. The cashier was this old man, human, and he smelled of daises. There was a group of old women sitting at a table playing cards, and they stared at me with pure wonder. I guessed they didn't get newcomers here but I was okay with it. Until someone decided to speak to me.

"Oh Hey There Dollface! You are new here, aren't ya? Well welcome to Coldwood, the warmest place in the South! I am Georgia Grace, what is your name?", the woman said. I scanned her quickly. She was a typical southern belle. Yellow dress, brown eyes, brown hair, pig tails, and some red shoes. She was "older" than me. She was about 22, from her looks, and she hasn't left her a t all.

"Oh,um. I am....", I uttered quickly.

Should I lie about my name? Or should I say something different? Southern belle spoke again. "Well? Aren't you shy? What is your name sweetheart?", Georgia said.

"I am Evangeline. I just wanted to pass through the town for some food, I have been traveling. If you'll excuse me, I must get my stuff and go. I am very busy," I replied. Okay maybe I said a couple lies, but most was true, that was good. I needed to get out, her human annoyance was bothering.

"Oh, okay sweetie. Hopefully I see you again soon! Bye!", and that was the end of it.

I did NOT want to talk to anymore people right now, humans or pestilent creatures. I bought the raw meat, a couple of bottles of water, and a bag of broccoli. The cashier did not want to speak to me, so I just rushed out of there and ran to a bathroom. Meal time.

I checked for anything, any movement or sound from both the mens and womens bathrooms. Nothing. Perfect. I ate quickly and got out of there. I needed to get to the pack before dark and it was nearly sunset.

I walked through the town and got to the woods. I needed to pinpoint exactly where it all started so I wasn't wasting time. I kicked in my senses. I blocked out the towns noises and focused on the forest. All I heard were 3 heartbeats. No. 4. Scratch that, 6. Okay so they are guards and I need to get to them first.

I ran through the woods, oh I so badly want to change. I have to get used to the torture. Tree after tree, the heartbeats got louder. Eventually I neared close and started walking. And then I was pushed to the ground, I had to act weak unfortunately. Voices. 4. Yelling...

"Who are you?" "Ewh it is a rogue." "She is pretty too..what does this little whore want?" "Don't get attached, we will probably have to kill her." Ugh these people are annoying.

I replied, acting scared, "Uh-uh- Sorry! I'm-uh Raven, I am a rogue, as you can tell. I have a reason for being here." Of course I was interrupted, "Whats your reason, pretty?". I replied, acting like I was about to cry, "I- i Want to be a part of the pack! Please?? I don't k-kill me." I started bawling. On the inside, I was laughing my ass off. This was hilarious, I should be an actress.

The men were frozen. They didn't know what to do with a crying rogue woman.

They one by one started talking, "Oh miss, don't cry. Please beautiful, don't cry." "Yeah, we will talk to the Alpha, he might let you in." "Yeah possibly, probably not, but possibly." Wow, nailed it.

I sucked up my tears and started my stuttering routine again. "O-Okay."

And one by one they lead me into the pack house, and I would be admitted into the pack, or die trying.

Okay, sorry for another short chapter. I am working on it. The length is difficult when you want to cut chapters off when it's about to get to important parts. Next chapter should be longer, hopefully.

- Will Raven meet the Alpha?

-Will she get hurt? Will she get put into the pack??

Who knows? See y'all next chapter- K. Thanks. Bye. :3

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