Chapter 16

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I hope you enjoyed last chapter. Sorry the updates are so random, but I am sooooo busy all the time. Hopefully I can try to get another chapter out this week but no promises. 

Hope you enjoy Chapter 16!


Chapter 16

Raven's POV

The fighting test. A test I feel I could win at easily. Hopefully. I was told to go to the gym as soon as possible to begin the test, while all viewers quickly hurried to the location. 

I told the Alpha I needed to get something from my room real quick, and he allowed it. I ran up the stairs and quickly went to my room, shutting the door before preparing. 

I happened to have some black wrapping for my hands in my room, and I started quickly wrapping. I fixed my hair and put it into a quick ponytail. Then I tightened the laces on my shoes and took off my hoodie. It was just me in a black sports bra, black joggers, black tennis shoes, and black wrappings. It was a common theme.

I stretched out one last time, and then I made my way to the gym. Considering the time it would take to walk there, I teleported into one of the locker room areas. There was no one in there, so I quickly walked out and approached the elders, along with the Alpha. 

The Alpha cleared his throat, silencing the growing crowd and approaching opponents.

"Audience, welcome to the fighting test. Last test, this rogue aced it with no issues whatsoever. She claims she used to be one of the best fighters for her pack, so lets see if her claim is worthy here. Raven, you will go against 30 fighters. From the weakest ranking,  to the top ranking. In order to go to the next opponent, you will have to beat them. Beat the first 15 opponents, and you pass the test. Don't make it before then, fail. If you get past 25 opponents, doubtfully, you have a chance as being a fighter for your job. Now, are you ready to begin?"

This was like a flashback from being admitted into Crimson Light, yet harsher. I don't need any abilities for this one. I could tell that the pack as a whole thought I wouldn't make it, because I was a woman. The values here are different, meaning women are treated as weak playthings or slaves to men. 

Well guess they'll be proven wrong. "I am ready.", I said. An elder lead me to a sparring mat, and I was put against a younger man. He seemed to be my age, slender, yet had some muscle. I wouldn't call him weak, but I could see that the Alpha wanted me to fail as much as possible. 

The Alpha spoke with a domineering tone, "Begin." I had to play it safe, like the last time. Don't seem weak, but don't seem super strong. I shuffled around the mat watching every move the man made. He was so open in many areas, obviously not trained well enough. 

I took the first shot, using barely half of my force, and knocked him out. I started laughing and said, "No wonder he was the weakest." This made the Alpha turn a malicious grin. "Next.", he said, obviously annoyed.

When I got to opponent 12, the Alpha was obviously not happy. I could easily pass the test, and he knew it. The Alpha knew these matches were nothing to me, yet he kept them going, getting angrier as I took one down. 

When I passed the test, beating 15 people, the crowd was shocked. They couldn't believe a woman could beat those men. The Alpha shouted, angry, "You passed yet you will continue until you lose. Up to 30. New rules, shifting is allowed." 

I nearly laughed, he is afraid. Afraid I will beat his best men. When I got to 24, the crowd was out of their minds. Some men were angry, shouting insults, while the women showed great pride and happiness over the event. 

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