MSMC Bk 6 - Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- Papa Joe calls for help!

As if thinking about him made my phone ring and without looking at the screen, I answered "Rooster."

"Rooster, it's Joe Crankston. I need your help, please." Papa Joe said.

"Hey Papa Joe. I was just thinking about you. What's up?"

"I got a call about what I think may be a snake problem in town. The principal of the high school is an old friend and he called me saying that there have been some bikers harassing the kids as they are coming and going to and from school as well as around town in their favorite places to hang out.

They are never in the same place from one day to the next and the police here just don't have enough men to keep up as well as deal with all of the other issues of which I understand have been many around town. Businesses being broken into, property being vandalized. People are terrified and don't know where to turn for help.

Earlier today, one of the cheerleaders was waiting for her boyfriend on the field when two of the bikers grabbed her and started pushing her around, clutching and ripping her clothes, fondling her. Thankfully the coach and a bunch of the players chased them off but the poor girl was terrified. Dr. Jill is talking to her now at the hospital. She also called me and alerted me to the problem. I think they are looking to set up shop here and I can't let that happen. Especially not this close to the farm. I've had to make Chris stay home from the vegetable stand because I'm afraid they will go by and try to mess with her." Papa Joe explained.

"We'll head your way right away. Everyone is here eating lunch so it shouldn't be long." I told him and then hung up. I pushed out of my chair and left my office. I walked into the dining room and whistled to get everyone's attention.

"Listen up everybody. I just got a call from Papa Joe. He said he's got bikers in their town creating havoc, scaring residents especially the school kids. Two of them pushed some cheerleader around, ripping her clothes off and generally just scaring her but that's probably only because the coach, her boyfriend and some of his teammates chased them off.

They've been breaking into businesses, vandalizing property and just causing general havoc. Papa Joe says he thinks they are trying to set up shop in town and has asked for our help." I told them and wasn't at all surprised when the first people to react were Marley and Charlie.

"Dixie, can you please watch my babies?" Marley said and Charlie said "Crystal too?" And Dixie nodded "Of course."

Both of their men reacted "WHAT?" "Are you kidding me?" Hunter and Cruise shouted at them.

"Hunter. This is Papa Joe and Mama Mae and Aunt Chris! They may not be my parents by blood but they are the only ones I've ever really had since my mom died. They need help and I'll be damned if I sit here and wait to find out if they are alright. I will go crazy and believe me, I will take you with me. I'm going! You can drop me off at the Farm while you deal with what is going on in town but I'm going!" Marley shouted right back at him, punching him in the chest with her finger as he towered over her.

Cruise made the mistake of trying to grab Charlie by the arm to hold her back but she turned on him and said, "If you ever want to touch me again, you will let me go, right now. I'm going with Marley. Papa Joe and Mama Mae are the reason I'm here now and I will not desert them when they need us. Now let go!" She said as she ripped her arm out of his grip, turned around and stomped over to where Marley and Hunter were still staring each other down.

"All right. We'll drop you off at the farm but take your gun. Papa Joe might need you to back him up." Hunter finally gave in.

Together, Charlie and Marley ran upstairs, quickly grabbed their weapons and kissed their kids, who were napping, goodbye and left their rooms. They came back downstairs and ran to jump on the backs of their men's bikes as we all began to pull out. Half the club was riding with us and an hour later, we all stopped at the Farm to drop Marley and Charlie off with Papa Joe and Mama Mae. They met us on the porch when they heard our bikes coming up the road.

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