MSMC Bk 6 - Chapter 12

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Chapter 12-Jullian & Rudy order their rings

Rudy's POV

When I entered our room I had been hoping that Jullian would have been occupied somewhere else but she was sitting on the bed, watching TV and when she saw that I had blood on my clothes, she jumped up and ran towards me. I held up my hand to stop her and said "Stop. I don't want to get blood all over you. It's over. I've done it. Hopefully I never have to do it again. I understand why they did it and I can't say I disagree with what they did because he deserved it but lord, I never want to do that again. I just want a shower and then to cuddle with you for a while. Okay?" I told her as I gathered some clean clothes.

I kissed her on the cheek and went into the bathroom to get a shower. I didn't say it now but at this moment, I don't want to even think about it much less talk about it anymore. I just wanted to get his blood off of me and to lay down and rest for a while. I'm scheduled to work in the kitchen after dinner tonight and while it wasn't the worst job I've had to do since I got here, it wasn't my favorite either. I wondered who they would get to do the work if we all now qualify to become patched members. All of the current prospects were up there this afternoon. Granted a couple of them weren't of age yet but at least they have already passed their test.

I took my shower and got out and got dressed. I found Jullian laying on the bed, waiting for me. She had turned off the TV and was laying there but as soon as I came out of the bathroom, she opened her arms to me and I gladly crawled into her arms. We lay without talking at first and she just held me.

Jullian is getting close to her time to deliver and the baby is kicking me like crazy, as if it wants my attention. I put my hand on her stomach and realized her stomach had changed shape somewhat. It used to be that it seemed to be right up near her rib cage but as her time got closer, it was sitting lower down.

"Are you going to be disappointed if it's not a boy?" Jullian asked.

"No! No, not at all. I hope if it's a little girl that she looks just like you." I reassured her. "I really don't care what it is. I just want it to be healthy. I know it will be well loved."

"We need to agree on what we are going to name it. What name do you want if it's a boy?" Jullian asked.

"I'm not sure. What do you think of Joseph? Or Andrew?" I asked her.

"Are you sure you don't want him to be a Junior?" Jullian asked.

"No. I've never liked my name and definitely don't want him called Junior. Boxer and Tiana have named their son Junior. It would get too confusing. How about something distinguished like Martin or Benjamin?" I told her.

"I like Benjamin. What about a middle name?" She asked. "How about Nathaniel?"

"Hmmm. Benjamin Nathaniel Sanders. I like it. Do you?" I asked.

"Yes. Okay, so now we have a boy's name. What about a name for a girl?" Jullian asked.

"Hmmm. Now I'm really not sure about that. I just hope she looks like you." I told her.

"How about Hope for one of her names?" Jullian asked.

"And what would the other name be?" I asked.

"What do you think of Raina? That was my grandmother's name, except her middle name was Grace." she admitted. Rudy had always known that Jullian had often wished her grandmother was still alive so that she could have gone and stayed with her but unfortunately, after her grandfather had died, her grandmother grieved until she got sick and died, about a year later.

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