MSMC Bk 6 - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6-Two new prospects rescued from the Satan's Riders

After we left Rooster's office, I went to find Jullian. She was in our room laying down reading. When I came in she smiled at me and I tried to smile back but I guess I didn't really pull it off very well because she asked "What's wrong?"

I sat down on the side of the bed and looked at her, thinking "What am I going to do if I can't do this tomorrow?" I want to give her everything I can but without a job, we'd be homeless and on the street. I have to do it. It'll be only this once, I hope.

I took a deep breath and told her what was going on. She gasped and said "You don't have to do this Rudy. We can leave and go somewhere else."

"Where, Jullian? Where would we go? Back to my Uncle's camper? We'd be homeless. The little bit of money I've earned here so far won't get us very far and we have a baby coming. You need to be seen by the doctor every month and you remember how much they charge for just one visit and what about the hospital? We'd be in debt up to our eyeballs for the rest of our lives, even if I manage to find a job.

I have to make sure we have a safe place to sleep, food to eat, clothes for not only us but the baby. Diapers and all kinds of stuff. No. I can do this. Once it's over, Rooster says I can work as a painter on the construction crew, in fact I would basically be the lead painter since I'm the only one that likes to paint. I find it very relaxing and soothing.

I'm not going to have to participate in what they are doing and hopefully those guys will talk and then they will take them back to jail but if not, I'll do what I have to do to prove my loyalty to the club, become a patched member and then we will be set. I love you, Jullian and I will do whatever it takes to make sure you have everything I can give you and the MSMC is my best chance at that." I told her.

"Oh, Rudy! I love you so much. I wish we had another alternative but you're right. I don't know what else we can do. I wish I could help and I'm sorry I'm being such a burden." Jullian said and I could see the tears filling her eyes.

"Baby, you are not a burden to me. Our plans have just kind of taken a turn and while it's not what we imagined it would be, I think God has led us here for a reason. We just have to trust that he will show us the reason someday. You and our baby are my reason for living at all and I will do whatever it takes to provide all I can for you. I love you." I told her as I pulled her into my lap and held her close. I put my hand on her stomach and felt the baby move for the first time.

"Wow! Was that the baby?" I asked in amazement and Jullian nodded with a big smile on her face.

"He's been rather active today. He's also been kicking the heck out of my bladder. I have to go pee again." She said as she slipped off my lap and headed for the bathroom.

When she came back, we laid on the bed and talked about baby names and what we needed to get for the baby. "I wish there was something I could do to earn money too. I hate that I'm having to dump this all on you. Do we have enough money that I might be able to buy some yarn and a crochet hook? My grandmother taught me how to crochet before she died. I can find patterns online but I need the materials and then I could make some of the things we'll need." Jullian said.

"How much does stuff like that cost?" I asked.

"A skein of yarn is about $3.oo and a set of hooks might be maybe $5.00. They will probably have it down at the craft shop in town." She told me.

"Well, it's still kind of early. Want to go to town now? We've got over an hour before dinner will be ready." I asked.

"Sure. Do you think they will mind if we borrow one of the SUVs?" She asked.

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