MSMC Bk 6 - Chapter 25

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Chapter 25-Mindy becomes Knuckles Ole' Lady

Knuckles and I stayed alone in our own rooms that night and for the next three nights, which was totally frustrating for both of us. He had to work during the day and I spent the first day in the family living room with the other old ladies, learning the rules of the club and playing with the babies. I do love kids!

Dixie had brought her computer down and told me it was part of her duties as the Queen of the MC to make sure she knew what kind of jewelry I liked and she got my ring size. "All of the men will come to me for help when it comes to birthday and Christmas gifts as well as wedding ring preferences so you pick out what you like and I'll save it in a file for you. You can also give me some ideas for things you would like to receive from your man. When is your birthday?" She asked.

"February 16th. Exactly nine months after my parents' first anniversary." I grinned at her.

Claire didn't want me to help her in the kitchen because she was afraid I would pass out but she did let me sit on a stool and chop vegetables for her. We talked and sang together and it was just like old times. I had confided in her about wanting to be with Knuckles and asked her what it was like.

She told me that now she was glad that she had waited for Circuit. "He was so patient and gentle with me, especially the first time. Yeah, it hurt a little bit but it was more like getting a shot. It stung for a few minutes and Circuit stopped as soon as he broke through and told me to let him know when it was okay for him to move and then let me tell you, girl! It was nothing but pure pleasure like nothing I've ever known before. After that, we were like rabbits for weeks, doing it everytime we could find 10 minutes alone with each other. And I've got to stop talking about it or I'm going to his office and you may have to finish up dinner." Claire grinned at me.

"Well, I'm finally over my cycle and I'm equally scared and excited at the same time." I admitted to her.

"Have you shaved your legs? Trimmed down there?" Claire asked.

"Yep and yep. I'm ready physically. I've just got about a million butterflies in my stomach and don't know how to tell him my cycle is over." I told her.

"Don't say anything. When you are making out, just don't stop him from taking it to the next step. Just realize that he's only human, Mindy. Don't get naked and then put the brakes on. I'm sure Knuckles would stop if you told him to but if he's anything like Circuit in the sack, I doubt if you are going to want him to." Claire said.

"We've come pretty damn close to that point a couple of times over the past few days." I admitted. "How did you know Circuit was the one?"

"I knew it the first time I saw him but we hadn't spoken to each other yet and when he walked away, I was kind of upset and left. The next time I came to the bar was when I found out Rooster was my brother. He had Circuit investigate me, which he was reluctant to do but the men don't question Rooster, they just follow orders. When they found out I wasn't lying to them, Circuit told Rooster that he was going to claim me, before we had even met. When we finally did, I swear I could hear music playing and my heart was beating so fast. He asked me to be his lady right away and I accepted." Claire told me. She had already told me about what had happened with the sweet butts and of how Circuit had reacted.

I guess maybe that's part of my problem. I need to see how Knuckles is going to act if a sweet butt comes on to him when I'm not around."

"Tonight is Friday night and the sweet butts will be coming in around 8:30ish. How about you and I hang out and go in after they are here. I'm pretty sure Knuckles will be in the bar by then and we'll just wait until everyone is gathered around and see how he acts." Claire said. "Maybe we can go to Marley and Hunters house for a little while and visit with them while we wait? That way, Knuckles will think you are not here. If he's going to chance it, then that would be his opportunity."

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