MSMC Bk 6 - Chapter 5

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Chapter 5-Manuel finds a house and Rudy & Kevin hesitate

Rooster's POV

Greggory and Helena's wedding was very nice. Simple and sweet, which we found out was exactly what most of the unmarried women wanted and they all got together and agreed that while they all wanted their separate ceremonies, they didn't care if they all did it the same day and none of them objected to having just one big party for the reception so long as they all got their own pictures and cakes. Dixie was having the time of her life helping them all plan for their weddings. The party is the expensive part of a wedding so I was glad about that.

The day before, Manuel, Greggory and Kevin had taken off to go look at a couple of houses. Everyone was amazed when they came back saying that one of them was now being seriously considered but what amazed everyone even more was that Kevin was very excited about it. It was a small ranch that had been used to raise horses.

There was an established and well maintained six bedroom Mediterranean adobe ranch style house. The only drawback that Manuel had noted was that there were only two bathrooms, but there was plenty of room to add on and all of the women were going to love the house itself, especially the courtyard that made up the front entrance to the house.

There was also an old bunk house not far from the barn that could be converted to house a place for puppies away from the full grown dogs after they were weaned from nursing.

"That place would be perfect for me to have a place to open a dog training business. It won't take much to convert the stalls to hold dogs and the corals will be easy to set up as training grounds." Kevin had told me while we were having a beer on the patio after they had come back.

"So is Manuel considering it as a place for you all to live?" I asked him.

"I sure hope so. If I had the funds, I would buy it myself but I like Manuel and working for him has, so far, turned out to be the best job I've ever had. I know Cookie doesn't want to leave him. He treats us like family and we both appreciate that." Kevin said.

"Well, I know Annalisa is going to be over the moon happy if he does find something close by, whether its' that place or another. I'm sure he'll take everyone's needs into consideration. Where is your current crew?" I asked him.

"Jace is watching over them. I taught my dogs how to ring a remote, if there is an emergency. A dog can step on the remote and Jace will know to come or to call the police if he can't get there right away. The electronic security system is in place now too but I dare anyone to get past those dogs." Kevin said with a smile.

"Yeah me too. Well, I hope it all works out for all of you. I know that if you do move to the area, I would like to talk to you more about getting at least one dog to protect my house up the hill." I told him.

Just then a prospect came out the door, saying "Prez, there's a Captain Russell on the phone for you."

"Okay. I'm coming. Talk to you later, Kevin. Business calls." I walked to my office and picked up the call. "Captain Russell. What can I do for you?"

"Rooster, I hate to ask this but Carl MacIntosh told me you have ways to get these guys to talk. I'm definitely not having any luck." He told me.

"Yeah, but we'll be removing them from your custody and I can't say you will get them back, at least not looking the same as they do now and they may require some medical attention. Are you okay with that?" I said bluntly.

"I'm not going to say a word. These two have frozen up, like they are almost afraid to talk. They are both so young and I think something or someone has scared the piss out of them but they definitely are afraid to admit anything, at least to us." Captain Russell said.

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