MSMC Bk 6 - Chapter 8

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Chapter 8-Changes to the MSMC

Rooster's POV

It took a couple of days before we had it all worked out but eventually, Dixie and I called a general meeting that would affect everyone, to announce that they were going to implement some strict budget changes. They came up with a list of things that the MC would no longer be paying for, that the members were going to start having to pay out of their own pockets.

I called a general meeting in the dining room and everyone was required to attend except Annalisa. "As you all know, we have more than tripled our ranks since I became president and up until now, the MC has been covering a lot of your personal expenses.

This is going to have to be greatly reduced or we are not only going to come to a complete stand still as a club but soon we are going to start sliding back into debt. We've worked too hard to get out of debt and have been doing well so far but over the past couple of years we've been expanding our membership so fast and our expenses have risen so much combined with the rise in just plain cost of living that we're going to have to tighten our belts now before we're in financial trouble again.

We've provided a list of the things that the MC will no longer pay for as well as a small amount will be withheld from everyone's monthly salaries for consumption items like toilet paper, paper towels and stuff like that.

We are going to be purchasing two smaller washers and dryer sets for personal clothes. The industrial washers and dryers are only to be used for things like comforters and blankets. Towels and sheets should be washed as one load together but do not overload them. If you need help, ASK! But do not depend on the ladies to do your laundry for you. If your clothes are in the industrial machines you will be charged ten dollars per load unless it's a full load. The cost of running those machines is just too expensive to run when a smaller machine could be used.

Things like shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, condoms,toothpaste, etc. will no longer be provided. If you don't want to shop for them yourselves, see Dixie or Connie to include your stuff in a bulk order and you either pay then or have it drawn from your pay.

We will no longer pay for individual drivers license renewals. It's the drivers responsibility to maintain their own license and keep it current but you must leave a copy of your renewed license for insurance purposes. If you get caught driving with an expired license you will be responsible for the fines and the rate increase to our policy. Your mistake can cost everyone higher rates and I'm not going to cover anyone's ass for being too lazy to take care of it. Same goes for traffic tickets. You guys know the rules of the road, either follow them or pay the fines."

They went down the lists of items of things that the club was no longer going to pay for and no one had anything to say until they hit the last one.

"Also the clubs biggest expense besides insurance is our alcohol consumption. From now on the club will allow you two free beers a night. If you want to keep drinking after that, you pay your own way. We will not supply hard liquor for free anymore. We just can't keep paying for it. The prospects have told us that a lot of the time they find half empty bottles or glasses sitting on tables. Maybe if you are having to pay for that wasted drink, you won't drink so much or you will at least finish your drinks. Sweet butts don't drink for free anymore either."

Everyone groaned and there was some whispering around the room and I began to get upset about that. "Don't whisper brothers. If you have something to say, spit it out."

Suddenly the room got very quiet. I waited for a full minute waiting for someone to say something before continuing.

"The kitchen is going to cut down on serving meals out of the ovens and we will be having BBQ nights. We are going to have some of you out cutting and hauling wood to be stacked out behind the shed for the grill so that we don't have to buy charcoal. Some of you, and this is not only directed at the prospects who already have enough to do, will be assigned to help out running the grill on those nights. Two extra beers for the night will be provided to those members who volunteer to help out and actually do the work. If you are assigned, no free beer.

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