MSMC Bk 6 - Chapter 13

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Chapter 13-Preparing for Rudy & Jullian's "Surprise Elopement"

Jullian is such a sweet girl. No wonder Rudy loves her. After I made sure Sammy was covered with a blanket, we all left our room and while Jullian and Cheryl went to their rooms, Nessa and I went downstairs.

I saw Rudy talking, laughing and having a beer with the other prospects over by the pool tables as I slid onto Rooster's lap. I told everyone at the executive table, "Boomer, you had better plan on Rudy being out a lot for the next week or so. Jullian is going to be giving birth soon. She's already having the pinching pains in her hips and she's riding so low it looks like it's going to come any time."

"Well, then you had better make your trip to Dallas quick and get back here as fast as you can. We just found out that she and Rudy want to elope as soon as he has the rings. They want to be married before the baby comes but they don't want the fuss of a big wedding. We've already decided we are going to surprise her by being there but not make a big deal out of it, just be there to support them in their decision." Rooster told me and I was surprised. Rudy must have had to tell him because he would need the time off from work.

"Well, they won't be able to have much of a wedding night and I wouldn't be surprised if she goes into labor before, during or right after the ceremony. How many people are you going to allow to attend?" I asked.

"Just the executive staff and maybe current prospects that he's coming up with. I wish we had their cuts but we haven't even decided on road names for them yet and Rudy is proving to be the hard one to decide on a name for him." Rooster told me.

"What's he going to be doing for the club?" I asked.

"He wants to be a painter for the construction crew and not a warrior." Rooster said.

I pulled out my phone and pulled up Google. "It says the name Rudy means "Famous Wolf"." We all looked at each other and shook our heads so I googled his last name. "It says the name Sanders means in Greek "Defender of the people"."

"Eagle, how is he with a gun?" Rooster asked Eagle who had just joined us, saying that Annalisa was already asleep but he wanted a beer before turning in. "He's actually pretty good, especially with a rifle and he's not bad with a handgun either."

"Hunter, how's he been doing with you?" Rooster asked. Hunter taught the boys how to track, trap and use a bow, to make things out of what was around them, like sticks and rocks when they were without a man made weapon as well as how to move quietly through the woods.

"He needs more work on the bow but he's got a sharp eye for tracking and can move fairly quietly but is not very good at traps. He smacked himself a good one in the face with a branch trap he was trying to set the other day. I just about fell over laughing." Hunter replied.

"Boomer? How's he doing with you?" I asked. Boomer taught them mostly about the rules of the club and did the scheduling of their jobs.

"Well, he's always where he's supposed to be, does a good job at whatever he is assigned to and so far, hasn't stepped out of line. He's a nice kid that tries hard to be the best he can be at whatever comes his way." Boomer said.

"Hulk? How's he doing in the gym?" Rooster asked.

"He needs a lot more work on building up his body so he's seriously lacking in weight training but that's because he's not a big person to begin with but he can stand to bulk up some more. Boxer's been working with him in the ring more than me." Hulk said.

"Boxer?" Rooster asked.

"He's fast with his hands and can run but his endurance needs work. But he's smart when he fights. Picks his spot and doesn't rush in, especially if he's fighting someone bigger than he is. His strength needs work and I wish we had a martial arts trainer. I bet he could get into that and be a badass!" Boxer said.

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