MSMC Bk 6 - Chapter 15

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Chapter 15-Shopping for the new baby!

I had trouble sleeping that night because Jullian wasn't there in the bed with me. I kept wanting to go downstairs and crawl in bed with her but I knew Doc wouldn't allow that and besides, Jullian needs to sleep without me crowding her.

I woke up at 6 am and after a quick shower, I got dressed and went downstairs. I went into the kitchen for coffee and found Claire and Circuit in there having breakfast together.

"Good morning, new daddy!" Claire said with a big smile and the term put a big smile on my face as well.

"Good morning." I replied. The breakfast foods she had prepared were sitting on the counter so I helped myself and sat down to join them, after asking permission.

"So, what did you name the baby?" Claire asked. She and Circuit had not been there last night when I had been at the executive table.

"Benjamin Nathaniel Sanders. 8 lbs 4 oz. 21 1/2 inches long." I replied.

"And how is your wife?" asked, as he grinned at me.

"She was doing fine when I left her last night. I'm hoping she's already awake but I woke up so hungry, I wanted to eat before I went to see them. I didn't sleep well last night and I need coffee." I told them with a huge grin on my face.

"Why didn't you sleep well?" Claire asked.

"The room was too empty. It felt strange sleeping without her." I admitted.

"I know what you mean. Claire has to get up early every morning to make everyone's breakfast and once she gets off the bed, I can't go back to sleep but then I've always been an early riser." Circuit told me.

I finished my breakfast quickly, said so long to Claire and Circuit and left the kitchen after rinsing my dishes in the sink. I walked down to the clinic and slowly pushed the door open and found Jullian sitting up in bed, nursing my son and I approached her with a big smile on my face. I bent over and kissed her forehead and then my son's forehead as I told them "Good morning, wife. Good morning, son." and Jullian giggled.

"I like that! Little man and I are finally getting the hang of this breast feeding thing. He woke up twice last night and the first time I got so upset because I couldn't get him to latch on to my breast and Millie had to give me a bottle of formula. The second time, we finally managed to figure it out and man does he ever have a healthy appetite." Jullian told me.

"Where are Doc and Millie?" I asked.

"In having breakfast." Jullian replied.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked.

"Yeah. Millie made me a plate but wouldn't let me have coffee. She said I should refrain while I'm breastfeeding. She said I should wait until he's at least a couple of weeks old." Jullian said.

"Are you going to be able to come back upstairs today? I barely slept a wink without you last night. That bed was just too empty." I told her.

"Yeah, I think so. But I need you to go to the store for me. We need something for him to sleep in, like a bassinet or a crib. I've got about $75.00 left in my savings account and I can give you my card if you don't have enough but Millie and Doc both said it's very dangerous sleeping with a baby in the same bed with us. One of us might roll over on him and he's so little that we could smother him by accident. I've heard that it's a bad habit to start because it's a really hard one to break. Can you go to the store and get us something for him to sleep in? And if you have enough, we need some blankets, lightweight ones for now." She asked.

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