MSMC Bk 6 - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- Information about a looming threat

Marley's POV

When Rooster called and told Papa Joe that there was a van with at least one young woman coming our way, I don't know what came over me but all I could think was "Not on my home's land. They will not wreck this place for me."

Papa Joe and Mama Mae had tried to stop me but they couldn't. As soon as Papa Joe left, I ran out one door while Charlie went out the other and we ran around the house to the barn. Charlie had never been on a horse before so she climbed up behind me and held on as I kicked the horse into a full run. We chased after Papa Joe but he was on the fastest horse on the farm and the best we could do was just get close but could never catch him.

By the time he realized we were behind him it was too late to stop us. He couldn't yell at us because it would have given away our position so he just pushed us behind a big bush and told us to keep our heads down and stay out of sight.

I tied our horse up so that it couldn't run away and Charlie and I knelt down where we could clearly see the front of the cabin and she whispered in my ear. "You know Hunter and Cruise are going to be so pissed off at us for coming up here."

"You can go back if you want but I can't let them do this to them on my home land. This farm is where I grew up, where I healed from what happened to me. I won't let them destroy this sanctuary." I told her.

We watched the cabin door and strained to hear anything but everything was quiet, at least until Rooster and the others showed up.

"Marley, what the hell are you and Charlie doing here? Hunter is going to strangle you first and then me." Rooster whispered at me.

"If they have a young girl in there, she's going to be scared. You guys are going to be useless when it's time to get her." Marley said. "I didn't come here to sit by in comfort on Papa Joe's front porch waiting while some girl is being raped by these motherfuckers. Not on my home ground! Not in my sanctuary."

I felt myself slipping away and not really hearing what was being said anymore. I never took my eyes off of the cabin when suddenly one of the girls broke free and ran out the door. She was naked from the waist up, her hands were tied behind her back and she had a bandana in her mouth. Even though I was nowhere near her, I could feel her fear as if it were my own.

A couple of seconds later, an extremely large man appeared in the doorway behind her. He had no shirt on and he was disgusting to look at with wild dark hair, a full unruly beard that hung clear down to his chest and stomach which was completely covered with a thick dark mat of wiry looking hair. His pants were unzipped and his belt was hanging down onto his thighs. When he opened his mouth, his teeth were a brownish yellow and he threw his head back as he laughed maniacally as the terrified young girl tried to figure out which way to run.

Just as his pistol-filled hand came up, the girl tripped and fell to her knees when she missed the one step to the ground off of the porch. There was no thought or even realization of what I was doing as I felt the gun jump in my hand and somewhere nearby I heard several shots of a silencer but it didn't register that I had been the one to fire the shots yet as the chest of the grizzly bear man nearly exploded and ran red. He had a shocked look on his face just before he fell backwards into the cabin. I was still holding the gun out in front of myself but I barely acknowledged the smoke coming out of the barrel.

We heard shouting from inside and women screaming. Rooster stood up and yelled. "We've got you surrounded. Come out with your hands in the air and leave the women inside. You've got 30 seconds or we are coming in after them. If any of the women are harmed anymore, none of you will be able to walk out of there."

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