MSMC Bk 6 - Chapter 18

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Chapter 18-Rescuing Mindy

Rooster's POV

I had just finished breakfast and walked back to my office. I had barely even sat down when I got a call from Ms. April and it took me a minute to remember who she was until she reminded me that she had been the lady who had checked out Sandy, the girl that had her bum so badly bruised she could barely sit down. "Yes, Ms. April. I remember you now. What can I do for you?"

"I've got a young woman here in the restaurant that looks like someone used her for a punching bag. She came stumbling in here and barely made it into the seat before her legs gave out. As soon as she told me who did this to her, I knew she was going to need your help. Her boyfriend is a loud obnoxious jackass, excuse my french, that comes in here all the time. He's a bully and he's a big man. If he finds her, she's afraid he's going to kill her. Can you please come and get her out of town to some place safe?" She asked.

"Of course. How old is she?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. Maybe 19 or 20? I've never seen her before but now she's not a sight I will soon forget." Ms. April told me.

"Just keep her out of sight and we'll be there as soon as possible. I just have to get my guys together and brief them and then we'll head your way." I told her before I hung up.

I walked back out of my office and called for a prospect to let everyone know that I was calling for church. As soon as everyone gathered in the meeting room and the door was closed, I called them to order and told them, "I just got a call from Ms. April over in Coilney. For those of you that don't know who she is, she was the waitress that helped us with the little girl that was being molested by her pastor father. He had been touching her and was preparing to rape her, telling her she had to be prepared to do her "womanly duties to a man"." I said using my fingers to make quotation marks in the air.

"He had also been "spanking" her with a large hard wood pallet that looked like a boat's oar except this one had a metal bar running through the middle of it. I hit myself in the hand with it and it was painful enough to make my hand tingle for a good 15 minutes. He's just lucky he didn't break that child's hips or thighs hitting her with that. He had bruised her so badly that she could barely stand to sit down on a heavily padded booth seat.

Ms. April checked her for bruising by the cop that showed up. Ms. April also slapped the father so hard his head almost did a 360 on his neck, then she ripped him a new one. Ms. April runs the Burger Barn and she's a sweet older lady that I left my card with for her to call me when she gets kids or young people that need rescuing.

She contacted me this morning saying she's got a young woman that has been badly beaten up by a boyfriend who is supposedly a big man and bully that frequents the Burger Barn. She's hiding there and we need to get there to pick her up and bring her back here, if she is over 18, which Ms. April is guessing she is. If she's under 18, we take her to the Farm. I'll call Papa Joe when we have her and know how old she is.

I need 4 men to go with me and prospects to drive 2 vehicles, an SUV for the girl and a van in case we have to transport the boyfriend IF he shows up. Who will go with me?" I asked.

Of course more than half the hands in the room went up so I pointed out ones that haven't been on a rescue in a while. "Gunner, Hulk, Tracker and Knuckles. Hunter, can we ask Marley to come with us? I'm going to talk to Doc about going too. From what Ms. April said this girl is pretty badly beaten up and I'd like for Doc to come check her out and make sure we don't need to get her to a hospital." I asked.

"I'll talk to her." Hunter said. "We done?"

"Yep, let's roll." I said and we all left the meeting room. The guys that were going went to retrieve their weapons while I stopped Kevin in the hall and told him, "Kevin, go find Manny, Mitch and Owen. I need two to drive a van to go with us on a rescue pick up and two to take an SUV. You know what to make sure you have?"

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