MSMC Bk 6 - Chapter 10

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Chapter 10- Tiana has a boy!

Annalisa had to stay in the hospital for a week and I was becoming a mess. Between worrying when I'm not with her, unable to sleep without her, barely able to eat because I was missing her like crazy. I kept Carmella with me as much as possible and she didn't understand why mommy couldn't come home with us when we left the hospital. I took her for only two morning visitations because she would get upset when it was time for her to leave and that upset Annalisa.

All Carmella understood was that she wanted her mommy and "braba's" to come home with her so that she could show them their room and her toys. Manuel had brought her all kinds of new toys and she was perfectly happy to stay in that room all day most of the time. She asked daily and always before she went to sleep at night to see their pictures.

On one of our visits, we had set her on the bed with a pillow in front of Annalisa's stomach and Carmella "helped" her mommy hold her brothers while I wrapped my arms around all of them. Jeanne had taken the photo, without us knowing about it, with her phone and then went to Walmart and paid for an 8 x 10 photo to be printed. She even framed it and gave it to us as a gift.

Tiana went into labor two days before Annalisa was released and she also had to have a c section because she was just too small through her pelvis to be able to have children naturally. But now they had a handsome little boy named Anthony Sebastian Jr.

Boxer was almost comical when he talked about his wife and son. They had not told anyone they were going to do it and had just gone to the church and asked the minister to marry them a couple of months before Tiana was due to deliver. They had kept it totally secret for months because Tiana said she felt that the club had already done enough for her and she didn't want any more fuss over her and Boxer getting married. Boxer said he thought it was more because Tiana was still rather skittish around a lot of people and a wedding would have made her very nervous.

Finally, I was able to bring Annalisa home and I was over the moon happy. I realized the morning I went to pick them up from the hospital that we were going to need a larger vehicle because the twins' car seats took up the whole back seat, leaving no room for Carmella's car seat. I had to borrow one of the club SUVs to pick them up from the hospital that day. Otherwise it meant leaving Carmella home and I had promised her she could go with me to get them.

Carmella was so excited and ran around telling everyone that she was bringing her mommy and her "Braba's" home. She had the biggest smile on her face and had bounced in her seat all the way to the hospital. If I hadn't been hanging on to her when we got out of the elevator, I swear she would have run down the hall, possibly knocking people over to get to Annalisa's room in her excitement.

She was so excited and helped Annalisa as much as she could to get ready to take the boys home. She insisted that she be allowed to carry something home so I gave her two stuffed animals that people had sent as gifts with flowers for her to carry. The flowers that were still fresh, we gave to other mothers in the hospital but took the potted plants home for Annalisa to either raise in pots or to plant in our yard.

Carmella strutted alongside Annalisa's wheelchair announcing to everyone she saw "I'm taking my mommy and "Braba's" home now and I'm helping!" She said with a big smile, so proud of herself that she was carrying the two stuffed animals that while they were small for an adult to carry, they were half as big as she was.

We stopped by Tiana's room to tell her that we were going home but she was asleep. We also stopped at the nursery and I picked Carmella up so that she could see Aunty Tiana and Uncle Boxer's baby. I was glad I had put her seat in the middle with a twin on each side because all the way home, she babbled baby talk to the twins and Annalisa and I had huge smiles on our faces.

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