MSMC Bk 6 - Chapter 4

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Chapter 4-Manny & Cheryl graduate & get engaged

3rd Person POV

The past month has been crazy. We found the girl's body that had been dumped on the side of the road. She was only 17 and must have been quite popular at school, judging by her form. She was large breasted, a tiny waist and shapely hips. She might have been pretty at one time but they had beat her up pretty bad and by the time we found her, her face was badly swollen. It was obvious that she had been raped and sodomized. Her family claimed her body and some of the girls who had been kidnapped with her went to the closed casket funeral.

We went down and questioned the prospects to find out if they knew anything about the auction but they claimed they didn't know anything. "We were just told to drive and watch over the girls." They all passed the polygraph test but only one of them failed the mental evaluation.

He had been one of the first boys taken and had been put through the ringer. He had seen things that scarred his mind and he broke down when he finally admitted that two of the Satan's Riders had raped him. He was going to have to spend some time in a mental institution.

All of the boys were put on juvenile probation for 1 year or until they turned 18. Two of the boys went home to their families who had been going crazy looking for them. The other two asked if they could come and prospect for us and Rooster gave them permission but told them that one step out of line and he would have them sent to juvenile detention. They both were just relieved and promised to be on their best behavior. Their names are Calvin and Paul. So far they are working hard and keeping their noses clean and seem to get along with everyone.

Manny and Cheryl sat for their final exams and the teacher was nice enough to grade them right away. Both of them passed with flying colors and Counselor Raymond congratulated them. She had also been nice enough to bring them their caps and gowns for graduation, collected their school books but said "You'll still have to come and empty your lockers and the pictures are due to come in tomorrow. Cheryl, perhaps you can come by tomorrow afternoon and take care of it?"

"I'll do that maybe tomorrow or the next day. Is graduation still going to be Saturday?" Cheryl asked.

"Yes. 5 pm in the gym. It's the only room big enough to hold all of the students and their families besides the cafeteria." The counselor told them.

"How many people are we allowed to invite?" Manny asked.

"Well, we can seat 4 people per student. All the others will have to stand at the back. How many people do you have?" Counselor Raymond asked.

"We're not sure yet. I know my mom and probably my little sister will be there but I don't know about my mom's fiance. I want to invite Prez and his wife, Dixie." Manny said.

"How about you, Cheryl?" She asked.

"I know my mom will be there, for sure. But I'm sure we can fill up any leftover seats." Cheryl said, not wanting to say anything against her father but Manny knew she was hoping that he didn't show up. She still had not forgiven him for the way he had treated her and Manny at the hospital and did not want him to make a scene at graduation because he doesn't like Manny.

The day before graduation, Manny's mom, her fiance and Manny's little sister, Nadia, had come into town and were staying at the hotel in town, courtesy of the MSMC. The same courtesy was shown to Cheryl's mother. The parents all agreed to ride to the graduation together in the SUV that Manny's soon to be step father rented and those of us that were attending the ceremony (half of the club) followed on their bikes. The roar going into the parking area at the high school was deafening and had everyone turning to look at what was going on.

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