MSMC Bk 6 - Chapter 14

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Chapter 14-Rudy & Jullian's Wedding & birth of their son!

Everyone hurried into the dining room and I stood up and told everyone to quiet down. "Listen up everyone. We are having a surprise wedding for Rudy and Jullian this afternoon. Rudy knows about it but not Jullian. They want to be married before the baby gets here which is due any day now.

Now, only the executive staff are going to the ceremony mainly because the church can't hold all of us BUT we are having the reception here. What I need from all of you is that when Jullian gets back from the hairdressers, I want you guys to mingle around here, in the front and around the bar but NO DRINKING until later. Just be around so that she won't notice that the executive staff are not here. If she asks you, tell her I went to Marley's and Rooster is in town. I need whoever is supposed to be helping in the kitchen today to make sure that you help Claire because she will be going with us."

One of the prospects raised his hand and when I nodded at him, he asked "I for one would have bought them a wedding gift but since I didn't know about this, would it be rude to just give them some money so that they can buy whatever they want or need?"

"No, that wouldn't be rude at all, in fact, money would be a very good gift for them. They will continue to live here at the clubhouse but with a new baby coming, I'm sure they will be able to put anything you can afford to give to good use. I'll even supply you with envelopes so it's not just cash floating around."

"When my cousin got married, everyone gave the bride and groom money, in addition to the gifts they gave, as the bride and groom did their first dance. Either tucking it in their clothes or putting it in your mouth and kissing the receiver." Blades said.

"So long as you are respectful about how you touch Jullian, that will be okay but the first one of you that steps out of line, I will hold you while Rudy kicks your ass. Understood?" Rooster said.

"Ok. Jullian should be back in about an hour to an hour and a half. Go finish up whatever you were doing. You, who are assigned to kitchen duty, go see if Claire needs help. Don't set the tables until after we are gone. Any more questions?" I asked and when no one had anything else to say, Rooster dismissed them.

I went to look for a box to make a card box with and finally found one in the pantry. "How's dinner coming Claire?" I asked on my way through.

"Almost done. Someone will just have to keep an eye on it while we are at the church to make sure it doesn't burn.

Rudy's POV

I was a nervous wreck by the time Dixie and Cheryl came back from Dallas but the ring turned out to be awesome! I had been so terrified that it wasn't going to look as good as it had online and that I would end up with something that looked like I had gotten it out of a gumball machine or had bought it at Walmart.

As I ran up stairs to get ready, my stomach was filled with butterflies that Nessa and Jullian would not get back in time. It was already 1 pm and I had told the minister when I called earlier that we should be there by 4 pm.

I was blown away that Dixie had bought me new clothes for this and they were hung up on the back of the closet door. I just had to wipe down my boots which were almost brand new anyway. I stripped out of my regular clothes and got in the shower. I kind of wished that Jullian would have been okay with waiting to do this until after the baby was born so that we could have a regular wedding night. I understood why she wanted to get married now, before the baby comes.

Two weeks ago, her OBGYN told us to hold off on sex until at least three weeks after she gives birth had put both of our nerves on edge. We have been sleeping together and been sexually active for over a year now and it was hard to just completely stop. We could still touch each other and orally please each other but it just wasn't the same.

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