The Purple Cat -25-

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Am I just hungry or does the Twisted Wonderland island look like a chicken wing?

Grim was grabbing the heart shaped collar on his neck, trying to pry it off. "No! Not the collar again!" He cried. Deuce also seemed in distress from the magic restraint around his neck. "Gah! I can't get it off!" He said.

Riddle pointed to the three freshman. "Trey! Cater! Eject them from the premises!" He demanded. The two third years paused for a minute. "...Yes sir, Housewarden." They said defeat. You looked over at them in shock only to notice Ace, Deuce, and Grim doing the same.

Deuce backed up. "Y-you're supposed to be our "mentors"!" He said. Cater shrugged with a sad smile. "Sorry, but we can't disobey our housewarden!" Trey sighed and rubbed his temple. "Sorry, man..." Ace's face beamed with rage. "Why you! If you don't want us here, than we don't want to be here. Grim, Deuce, Y/N, let's go." He said turning away.

Before you could even react, a hand shot out to encircle your wrist, pushing you behind them. Riddle crossed his arms. "I think not. Y/N not being from this dorm has no prior knowledge of the Queen's rules. Hence I will be lenient for her sake." The two third years sighed in relief. On the other hand, the freshman were fuming. Grim glared. "I ain't from this dorm either! Why is she gettin' the special treatment?!"

Riddle glared. "Have I not told you before at orientation. The Queen of Heart's Rule 23: "One must never bring a cat to a formal affair." Hence you must leave this already disastrous unbirthday party immediately." He concluded. Grim growled. "For the last time, I ain't a cat!"

Ace stepped forwards, arms crossed. "We aren't going anywhere without Y/N. Either we stay here with her or she comes with us, got it?" He said with a sharp glare. Deuce nodded from behind. Riddle scoffed. "Very well then, have it your way. You'll simply have to be taken out forcefully." The way he said that made you shiver.

Quickly stepping between the two redheads, you flattened your skirt and gulped. "O-Okay. Let's take this down a notch, yes?" You said as the two continued to have a stare off. Riddle gave you a harsh glance causing Cater to chuckle nervously and put his hands over your shoulder, gently pushing you to sit down. "Alright, w-why don't we just talk this out like gentlemen?"

The strawberry blonde cracked his knuckles. "Oh, we're far beyond that!" Trey grabbed both Ace's and Deuce's shoulders, pushing them away from Riddle. "We'll try to calm Riddle down, so maybe he'll let you back in the dorm after you apologize." He said in a whisper. Ace simply glared. "I will NEVER apologize! Not to that numbskull!" He shouted.

After several minutes of bargaining, Trey finally got the three freshmen to leave, each giving you one last glance before walking into the mirror. You folded your hands in front of your chest, a frown etching on your face.

The redhead sat down next to you with a huff. "Hmph. Now, let's get this party back on track. After all, we still need to have the croquet tournament. And now we're fifteen minutes behind schedule! This is outrageous!" He said while rubbing his forehead.

Trey and Cater walked up to stand next to your chair. The green haired male nodded solemnly. "Yes sir, Housewarden Riddle." He said automatically. Cater leaned over. "Are you really okay with this, Trey?" He questioned. Trey sighed and rubbed his head. "What do you expect me to do about it?"

You bit your lip before turning to look at Riddle. Seeing his head hunched forwards, expression draped in tiredness, you couldn't help but feel bad. "Riddle, are you alright?" You questioned softly. He sighed and sat up, sending a firm yet soft look. "Fine, thank you for asking. I apologize for what you had to witness here in Heartslabyul." He said calmly.

Blinking, you let your shoulders hunch. "It's alright, but... I need to go after them." You responded nervously. Riddle stiffened next to you. "What? Why would you do that? Follow those... those rule-breakers!" He exclaimed. With a sigh, you looked up. "Well, Grim is my responsibility. I'm sorry, but I really have to find them." Before they decided to do something stupid that is.

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