Plotting a Plan -50-

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"Your job for today is to clean Leona's room." Ruggie declared with a bright grin while holding up his arms. You pursed your lips. "Right." You mumbled in response with a small nod. Leona, who was laid out on his bed comfortably, shrugged. "You'd better earn your room and board, herbivores." He said.

Grim slumped tummy first on the ground, paws stretched out like a starfish. "Between Azul bossin' me around at work and Leona doin' it at home, I'm a mess. Uuugh." He whined.

The hyena ignored him, looking directly at you. "Start by putting all his randomly-discarded clothes into the laundry basket, then clean off his desk." He began to point about the room. "Accessories go in this drawer. Books go on that shelf. Once the desk is clear, wipe it off with a dustcloth." Ruggie informed before pulling out a small rag from his back pocket and handing it to you.

Turning the faded blue rag over in your hand, you hummed. "Alright. I can do that." Grim scoffed. "You're not a cub. You should know how to clean up after yourself." He mumbled to Leona under his breath causing you to glance down with a small, amused smile.

The male on the bed lightly lifted his head up, glaring daggers at the smaller feline. "Hm? Care to run that one by me again?" He hummed. Grim yelped, jumping up and clinging onto your skirt. "Eep! I-I didn't say nothin'." You blinked down at him with a raised eyebrow.

Slowly, the cat released from you while sweat dropping. "O-Okay, I'll start cleanin' the pile of stuff offa this desk..." He mumbled in embarrassment before walking off to Leona's desk. "Whoa!" He exclaimed suddenly. "He left some expensive-lookin' jewelry just lyin' around. And there's his wallet!" He chuckled evilly. "W-With this much stuff around, surely he wouldn't notice one little thing goin' missing, right? That's what he gets for not puttin' this stuff under lock and key. Nyeh heh heh..."


"Don't even try it."

You and Ruggie exclaimed in unison, both grabbing the back of his bow and dangling him up. "That one's mine to nab—uh," he stopped to sweat drop when you looked over at him with an unimpressed look. "I mean, he'd know immediately if something was unaccounted for. I keep telling you to stop leaving your valuables out in the open, Leona. You're gonna get robbed blind one of these days!" Ruggie said wagging his finger at the lion.

Leona rolled his eyes. "Ah, shut your trap. What are you, my mom? So what if my stuff gets stolen, anyway? It's no big deal. I say if someone's got the guts to steal from me, they can go right ahead." He shrugged nonchalantly.

Ruggie tutted, lightly shaking his head. "But it IS a big deal! That's my point! It's all fun and games being rich until the day you suddenly feel the penny drop. They're called 'valuables' for a reason." He suddenly cringed. "This is what drives me nuts about you silver-spoon types..." He mumbled before releasing the cat's bow for you to hold.

Gently setting Grim down, you pursed your lips in thought.


"THAT'S IT!" You yelled, suddenly slamming your hands onto the desk.

"Whoa! What's gotten into you, Y/N?" Grim yelled in shock. Leona, surprisingly, sat up and sent you a dull glare. "Oi. Bring the volume down a notch." He demanded. You turned around with a beaming smile. "They're in the vault because they're NOT unbreakable!" You exclaimed. "That's why Azul keeps them in there, because he knows they're just paper. He's all bark- and no bite!"

Ruggie blinked. "Really? Huh." He mumbled. Leona huffed out a laugh. "Hah... Ha ha ha! Of course! I get it now. That's an intriguing line of thinking." He complimented, slightly tilting his head at you with the smallest of smiles. "Guess you are smarter than you let on, huh herbivore?" The lion teased. You just lightly rolled your eyes.

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