Night Raven Fight! -112-

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There was an awkward silence after everything was planned out, everyone waiting for another to make the first move. Jamil scratched his head. "I mean, I've seen how it's done, but..." He trailed off, Azul picking up for him. "What comes after this?"

Riddle placed a hand to his chin in thought. "I'm not too familiar with the rules, but traditionally, we scatter after someone shouts encouragement, correct?" He questioned, looking around for confirmation. Leona crossed his arms and scoffed. "Hurry up and get it over with. I'm gonna catch a cold if we keep this up." He grumbled.

Smiling, Rook made a gesture towards you. "Shall we leave the encouragement to mademoiselle Y/N?" He questioned. Vil, stationed at your other side, nodded. "Indeed. We'll only argue if we handle it." Epel looked at you with a wide, crooked smile. "Give us a good one." He exclaimed.

Sweat dropping, your lips twisted into a determined looked. "Uh... alright. Hands in the middle?" You said, stretching out your hand to the middle. Epel was the first to follow your lead, then Rook, then Vil, then the others with Leona going last accompanied by a yawn , but you had an itching suspicion he just wanted to have his hand on the top.

"Okay! Three, two, one! Night Raven, FIGHT!" You shouted, bringing your hand up with everyone else in tow. "YEAH—!!!" Most of the boys exclaimed with excited grins.

Meanwhile, in the depths of Tartarus, an excited voice called out. "Brother! The Night Raven College party is on their way to Tartarus. It looks like they weren't joking about rejecting our plans." The youthful voice informed, their echoes bouncing off the walls.

Another tired voice sighed. "...How many more times are those problem children going to get in our way?" He questioned slowly. There was a sudden laugh by Ortho. "Ahaha! Look! They separated into three teams to explore Tartarus! Wow! This is like the Night Raven Quest we talked about, Brother!" He cried excitedly.

Idia clicked his tongue. "It'll take some time before the ice melts and before I can open the gates to the Underworld... Go play with them for a bit, Ortho." There was a delighted gasp from the other. "Yay~! I'm so happy that we get to play together again~!" They cheered.

Dark lips curled up into a wide, manic grin. "I'll be the boss this time...! AHAHAHAHAHA!"

Back to you, you felt a shiver run your spine for some reason, but decided to ignore it, especially since you were currently descending down a huge tower into the depths of the S.T.Y.X. Facility. Vil let out a solemn huff. "We've finally arrived in the Phantom's asylum, Tartarus..." He said slowly, "It's rather dark and deep... Overwhelmingly so..."

Epel grabbed his forearms with a grimace. "I can feel the cold air creeping, too. It's like winter back in my hometown, but... eerily different." He noted.

Rook nodded. "Indeed. It's a spine-chilling kind of cold, one that's quite different from nature... I would say that this coldness stems from the debilitating fear of death that none can escape." The hunter said in all certainty. "That's one way to put it!" You exclaimed while sweat dropping at his over the top explanation.

With crossed arms, Vil closed his eyes. "Still, this isn't a place living beings should wander in for too long." Anxiety bubbled up in your gut. "It's so deep, I can't even see where it ends..." Your voice raised in alarm. "Do you think Grim is here by himself?"

"I cannot say for sure," Vil replied hesitantly, remembering the giant hole in the wall Grim must have made, "...but I have an itching feeling he'll be alright." You whipped your head around to face. "Huh? What's that supposed to mean?!" You yelled in confusion before the platform lowering you guys halted.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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