One or Two -109-

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I'm sorry, it's a dream sequence so this chapter's gonna be chaotic.

Riddle brushed his uniform out, quickly reaching up to readjust his cute little crown. "We've managed to retrieve our magical pens as well," he noted while glancing down to the gemmed pen in his hand, "It must be a severe situation if these were left unguarded."

Before any of the other housewardens (or Jamil) could say anything in reply, there was a booming robotic voice echoing from down the hall. "Magical energy detected at roughly 10m ahead. Termination Mode: Activate." Vil's eyes widened. "What!?" He exclaimed.

Suddenly, three Charon agents appeared just a few yards away from the housewardens who jumped into fighting positions. "Resistance detected. Proceeding with elimination." One of them said, their eyes beginning to glow a bright blue.

Leona gritted his teeth and furrowed his eyebrows. "You've gotta be kidding me." He growled out. Jamil, just as annoyed, sighed. "Let's just get this over with." He grumbled before firing off a blast of dark red magic energy right at the guards.

Seeing as it was 5 against 3, the housewardens (plus Jamil) were fairly easily able to gain victory over the robotic guards, simply leaving them slumped against the S.T.Y.X. hallway as they continued forwards.

Azul sighed, rubbing out a sore joint in his shoulder in the process. "We managed to get by somehow." He noted dimly with a huff of air. Jamil walked over to one of the fallen guards and examined it before his eyes suddenly widened. "Look. This armor is empty." He observed for the others.

Scoffing, the lion crossed his arms and looked away. "Unlike the ones at school, these guys attacked us with a pure intent to kill. Everything about this seems fishy..." He trailed of angrily. Vil hummed in thought. "It seems like we need to relocate ourselves first." He said firmly.

He nodded to himself in confirmation moments later. "Let us go and find the boss before things escalate even further." The blonde suddenly paused, "Ah, pardon me. I almost forgot something." With that, Vil began walking back towards his room.

The Savanaclaw housewarden narrowed his eyes at the male. "What?" He said dumbly. Vil barely glanced back from over his shoulder. "I must have my special beauty products with me at all times." He said in all seriousness.

The tanned man's eye twitched. "Skincare even in an emergency? Supermodels must have it rough." He sneered at the male. Vil only huffed and rolled his eyes. "Hm, say what you wish. They are my good luck charms." The blonde disappeared into his room for a second before reappearing with them in his arms and a grin on his face.

Concurrently, in the research laboratory, you, Epel, and Rook all sat before the room was suddenly plunged into darkness. Epel jumped up in his seat in shock. "Wh-what's happening? The power suddenly went out..." He exclaimed with widened (as least wider than usual) eyes.

You immediately looked over to the tablets were you could call for assistance only to find them completely black. "The tablets aren't working either." Then you tried clicking some stuff on the table before you. "The switches aren't doing anything either." You grimaced.

Epel, who had gotten up to wander the room, sweat dropped in nervousness. "The communication devices are out of commission as well." He muttered with a terrified look. "Ah, wait! There's an emergency phone! And a helpline number is posted near it. Let's see..."

You hopped up to stand next to him in relief. "Really? That's great!" You beamed. There was a few rings before a polite picked up. "Hello." It said sweetly. "Hey!" Epel shouted out, "our room just lost power. What's goin' o-"

"Thank you for calling S.T.Y.X help line, where your problems matter to us! Please hold. Enjoy some music while you wait." You and Epel sat there in stunned silence, the souls draining out of your bodies as elevator music flooded the room. What a scam! Eventually, Epel's eye twitched. "A HELPLINE?! What in the Sam Hill?! Why make a helpline if ya ain't got no one to help?!" The lavender haired male shouted before slamming the phone back into place and cutting off the music. You pursed you lips and looked away.

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