Escape to the Sea -65-

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"Uuugh... I'm wiped out. I can't walk another step..." Grim whined once the two of you were locked into the room. You hummed in agreement. "I don't think the students can take much more. We have to get out of here." You said as the cat nodded in agreement. "I'm at my own limit too, y'know! I don't wanna spend another second in this prison. I'm pooped and ready to pass out, but I've still got my trusty spoon. I'm gonna finish diggin' that hole tonight!" The cat declared, raising the spoon like it was the holy grail.

You smirked in response. "I don't think that'll be necessary, mister." Grim lowered his spoon, eyeing you in curiosity. "Huh? What'd ya mean?" He questioned. Reaching into your pocket, you pulled out your own table utensil. "Well, I decided to try that trick of yours, but this time, I chose a bit different." You said as you showed him the fork.

Tilting his head, Grim asked, "What're we supposed to do with that?" You smiled knowingly, setting the fork on the ground and bending back two of it's legs with your foot. "Well, the hole idea is gonna take way too long, so I snatched a fork from the meeting in hopes to pick the lock." You explained before picking the fork up and walking over to the door.

Grim's eyes sparkled. "Woah! You're so smart, Y/N!" He yelled in a child-like wonder. You forced back a proud smile as you bent down and placed the two still outstretched fork legs into the keyhole. After a minute of jiggling, there was finally a satisfying click of the lock being open. You let out a pleased gasp as Grim whooped.

"Phew... We finally made it out of that stupid room." The feline sighed from in your arms as you carefully stepped over the stupid alarm system on the ground. "I kept the fork inside in case we need to get out again." You muttered as Grim nodded. "Okay, let's get back to Ramshackle Dorm while we can. Just gotta be niiice and quiet..." He said, hopping onto your shoulder in the process.

Suddenly, out of no where, a whale's mating call echoed through the hallway originating from the black hole of Grim's stomach.

"Grim!" You hissed out quietly, discreetly picking up your pace. "Mrow!? Ah, crud!" The cat said before nervously giggling, "I was working so hard today, it made me hungry..." You eye twitched at his response.

Before you could respond, two new voices sounded from the next hallway. "What was that earth-shaking noise just now?!" One cried. "It came from the Ramshackle students' room!" The other said. Grim frowned. "Whuh-oh. We're in trouble now!" He mumbled.

Suddenly, two Scarabia students pounced out from around the corner. Unfortunately, blocking the way out of Scarabia in the process. "What do you think you're doing there?!" They yelled, pointing in accusatory finger in your direction. Jumping down from your shoulder, Grim began running the other way, you hot on his trail. "Myah, they found us!" He cried.

Groaning in annoyance, the two students began to run after you two. "What are you doing outside?! I know we locked that door tight!" The first screamed. The other rolled their eyes. "Who cares? We've got runners! After them!" Reaching into his vest, the student then pulled out a whistle he began to blow into. Soon enough, the entire dorm would be chasing you two.

Glancing over his shoulder, Grim looked at you with wide eyes. "If they catch us, it's back to the life of a prisoner! Cheese it!" He demanded. "After them! After them!" The students yelled in the background, slowly but surely catching up to you both.

Upon making a sharp turn left, Grim pointed to a random door. "Let's duck into a random room and let 'em pass us!" He said before making his way into the room. You followed, swiftly shutting the door behind you and leaning your back against it.

"Where'd they go? Split up and find them!"

"Show yourselves, street rats!"

Soon enough, the sound of their footsteps faded away. You let out a sigh of relief, slightly slumping against the door. Grim used his paw to wipe his brow in a gesture of relief. "Phew... I think they're gone." He mumbled. "Sure, but it's only a matter of time before they have the rest of the students giving the dorm a full sweep." You grumbled in response.

Beauty & The Beasts (Twisted Wonderland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now