Conversations -48-

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Warning⚠️: Anime reference ahead
Shoutout to those who know where it's from.
If ya don't... good for you.

"What? You guys actually went to the Coral Sea?"

"Hah! How stupid can you get?"

You, Grim, and Jack had all went back to Savanaclaw to question his upperclassman only to find them in the lounge under the dark night sky, sitting in lounge chairs and simply chilling. The only sounds around you was the running water of the indoor waterfall and then soft snores of Leona. At least, before you woke him up.

You deadpanned at Leona's response, Grim fuming in your arms as he stared at the beastmen. "Mrah?! Are you serious right now?!" Your cat exclaimed. The lion simply shrugged. "Hmph. I never said anything about diving headlong into the sea.
Your time's limited. What I was suggestin' was that you use your head and find a worthwhile use of your time. Challenging merfolk head-on in the water is a losing proposition no matter how you slice it. It's like walking into a carnivore's mouth." He explained.

Jack blinked. "Wait. Did you guys know the twins were actually mermen this whole time?" He asked. Leona simply blinked back at you two, blank expression on his face. "Maybe." He answered. You sighed, putting your head down and pinching the bridge of your nose. Of course.

Ruggie nodded solemnly. "I saw Floyd in his natural form at a joint swimming class last summer, and boy, let me tell you... If that guy came after me in the water, I'd be done for. End of story." He sweat dropped. "Really, Ruggie?" You complained. "I expected this from Leona, but you. C'mon." The lion glared while the hyena simply shrugged nonchalantly, a small smile placed over his face. "Must have slipped my mind." The dirty blonde chuckled out.

The wolf growled. "It woulda been nice to know that beforehand!" He shouted. Leona sat up. "Last I checked, you were the guys who ran off half-cocked without bothering to gather any intel. I would've been happy to share it all in detail if you'd asked." He claimed.

To be fair, he was still more helpful than Crowley.

Ruggie nodded. "Yeah! You gotta cover your bases before you start pickin' fights, y'know? Shyeheehee! Back at the Savanna, you gotta tread carefully if you don't wanna end up as someone's dinner." Grim growled at him. "Grrr... You're the same couple of scheming jerks as always!" He shouted.

"Does this mean Azul was planning on interfering from the start when he made the offer?" Jack asked, hand coming to rest on his hip. Leona rolled his eyes. "Uh, duh? Obviously." He said, tone overwhelmingly filled with sass. Ruggie nodded. "The Leech brothers are Azul's top men." He explained. "They're known for collecting all collateral and compensation from his contractors. And rumor has it they run interference to make sure the contract terms can't be met."

Your eyes widened in shock, not expecting them to be this... cruel! On the other hand, Grim's face contorted into anger. "What a bunch of low-down, dirty cheaters!" He yelled. "Urgh...If Y/N loses, am I gonna be stuck workin' day and night for Azul forever?" You unconsciously gulped. Constantly being surrounded by Azul and the twins, you wouldn't last a week!

Letting out a shaky breath, you looked down at the cat. "We'll... manage something, I'm sure of it! I... just need to know where to start." You murmured, mind speeding through various possibilities of options.

Leona stared at you, face blank but eyes filled with an indescribable emotion. Ruggie glanced over, surprised his dorm leader hadn't made a snarky comeback yet. "Leona?" He questioned. You glanced up, eyes meeting Leona's neon green ones.

"Azul's signature spell is a golden contract scroll called It's a Deal." He suddenly explained. "It enables the caster to take one power from a target if that target signs the scroll. In addition, in the event of a contract breach, the breacher is compelled to obey Azul's every command to a T." He said calmly, laying back in his chair with a shrug.

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