Familial Obligations -64-

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"All right, the Ramshackle visitors are secure in their room." A Scarabia student mumbled as he locked the door to the room you and Grim were currently being held hostage in. Another student nodded. "Let's check in on the other rooms." He ordered, throwing a thumb behind his shoulder.

Sighing, the first student hunched his shoulders. "I swear there's been another escape every day. Housewardem Kalim's been very cross about it. It's gotten so bad, he's not even listening to counsel from Vice Housewarden Jamil anymore." They informed. The second male simply scratched his head with a look of disdain. "How long will we have to live like this? I just wanna go home." He grumbled. Already walking away, the first student waved his friend off. "Oh, quit bellyaching. You think I didn't want to spend the holidays with my family, too?"

Unknowingly to them, you had your ear pressed against the locked door, patiently waiting for the two boys to exit the hall. Grim peered up innocently. "Are they gone?" He whispered slowly. Drawing yourself back, you nodded. "I think so."

In the clear, Grim let out a large groan. "That afternoon training was so brutal, my meal was ready to come up the same way it went down." You discreetly grimaced at this as he continued his rant. "We already know the headmage ain't gonna be any help here. Which means it's up to us to get ourselves outta this mess." He suddenly smirked. "Luckily, you've got my towering intellect over here. I've got a perfect prison break plan ready to go."

Lightly tilting your head to the side, you masked your amusement with small grin. "Towering intellect, huh?" You said, crossing your arms as you waited for Grim's response. He giggled maniacally before reaching behind his back and revealing a random silver spoon. "Heh heh heh. I swiped our escape tool this morning. Behold: our ticket to freedom!"

Uncrossing your arms, you blinked blankly at the utensil with a confused expression. "A... spoon?" You mumbled. Grim nodded proudly, turning around to find a spot to start digging. "We'll use this bad boy to dig our way through the floor, one spoonful at a time!" He exclaimed.

"Uhm... I don't think that's very realistic. Plus, it'll take way too much time and energy." You said with pursed lips. Grim simply waved you off. "They used to call me Grim the Digger back home. Leave this to me while you stand lookout!" He ordered with a snobby face.

Grim shoved the spoon into the floor, getting a few spoonfuls of dirt out of the ground. "Wow, this is goin' smoother than I thought. I think I'm actually onto something here." Grim hummed happily as he continued on with digging. However, just a few minutes later, the feline abruptly dropped the spoon with an unimpressed expression. "Okay, I'm gettin' bored of diggin' into the same spot over and over again... Y/N, let's switch places. I'll keep an eye out."

Shrugging, you decided to humor him by taking the spoon and pulling out a small pile of dirt. It didn't last long as Grim quickly jumped away from the door he was patrolling. "Ah, crud! The patrol's comin'! Quick, pretend you're sleeping!"

In the end, you had persuaded Grim to rest seeing as there was no way the hole would be done by tonight and tomorrow would likely be filled with training just as bad as today's was. At least this time you got to change into pajamas.

The next tomorrow, you were roused out of your sleep from birds chirping and Grim whining. "We dug a hole big enough for me to fit two paws through. That's it!" He cried out as he stared at the pathetic, little hole. You swatted down and gently patted him on the back. "Hey, prison breaks aren't done overnight." You assured softly.

The lock to the door was suddenly opened caused you to swiftly place a large, decorative vase over the hole. A student entered with a scowl on his face. "Out, you two! It's time for morning training. We're marching to the oasis again!" He informed rather harshly. The only response he got was Grim letting out a high pitched whine.

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