Infirmary -40-

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You weren't in one of those weird dreams this time, that you knew for sure. But it definitely wasn't your bed. Whatever you were laying on was weak, barely filled with fluff and the sheets were almost paper-like. You slowly opened your eyes, sitting up in the process. For the first time, you weren't greeted with the harsh light of the sun.

"Hey, Y/N's awake!" A familiar cat's voice called out before hopping onto your bed. You looked around. The room was dark, showing the sun had seemingly set just minutes prior to you waking up. Leona and Ruggie sat in separate beds across from you while Ace and Deuce stood by your sides. Jack looked up from the bed he was currently sitting on next to you, letting out a sigh of relief at seeing your (E/C) eyes once more.

You rubbed your head, slightly wincing in the process. "What... happened?" You questioned quietly before looking over at the bed side table to find a melted ice pack, likely the one used on you while asleep. Ace raised his eyebrow. "At the start of the second half, Grim threw the disc right at your noggin and knocked you out. You don't remember?" He said.

"Kinda..." You mumbled, the vision of those neon, green eyes intruding your thoughts. Grim glared at the strawberry blonde. "I was tryin' to steal our victory with a shot from way downfield..." He yelled in defense. Jack scoffed. "You amateurs gotta work on your disc control." He said looking over at his fellow freshmen.

Deuce smiled at you. "I'm just glad you're awake. You were out so long that I was starting to worry the hit had caused some real damage." He said with a little blush. "Thank Seven Leona was there to caught you." The navy haired male added on. You heard a nearly inaudible scoff from across the room. You looked over with a sly smile. "Really? Thank you, Leona." You sang cheekily.

The male rolled his eyes, bringing them back to stare at you. "Shut it. No use in you getting more hurt, herbivore." He hissed with a faint trace of dark pink on his cheeks. Ace slumped forwards with a frown. "You even missed the closing ceremonies! They're taking everything apart right now." He told you.

So they had already finished the championship. Just how long were you out?
Eh, you needed the rest anyways.

"Which dorm won?" You asked curiously. Leona sat back in his bed, a small sneer crossing over his face. "The grand champion was Diasomnia House." He said in slight bitterness. Ruggie sighed with a shrug. "In the end, there was nothing we could do... It certainly didn't help that we took a beating from every other dorm on the way to the finals. What a miserable tournament this year was." He mumbled.

Leona crossed his arms. "Tch... Bein' stuck in an infirmary bed for anything other than a mid-day nap is about as lame as it gets." He mumbled. You raised an eyebrow. "You sleep in the infirmary?" You questioned blankly. Instead of glaring at you, the lion simply shrugged. "No one comes lookin' in here anyways." He responded with a shrug.

Ruggie frowned. "And what's worse? Not a single Diasomnia student ended up here." He exclaimed. Ace shivered. "I'd heard the rumors, but man, seeing Diasomnia's housewarden in action... That dude does NOT mess around." He said with a slight sweat drop. Deuce nodded vigorously. "Yeah, he was incredible. You wouldn't have believed it, Y/N!" He shouted excitedly.

Ace sighed. "Now I get why everyone thinks he's invincible. I can't even imagine taking him down." He mumbled. Jack stood up, crossing his arms over his chest while staring Ace down. "And with that attitude, you never will. You've let him beat you before you even face him. I haven't, though. Next year, I'm taking Diasomnia down. And I'll win by givin' it everything I got." He promised with a determined look.

Leona raised an eyebrow in an almost elegant manner. "Does everything happen to include your capacity for evil?" He questioned sarcastically. You crossed your arms, pursing your lips at the male. "That doesn't sound like remorse to me." You commented. The lion looked over. "Remorse?" He asked. "Who says I gotta have remorse?"

Beauty & The Beasts (Twisted Wonderland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now